Tish and Juliana recap their year in movies, including even more detailed viewing stats from both of us! We'll find out how the pandemic affected our viewing habits, what our favourite new views were, and how film festivals are changing. We know no one wants to talk about 2020 anymore, but we're talking about movies- our escape from *gestures broadly*.
Ep. 65: Drunk Christmas + Santa Goes South
Tish and Juliana got drunk watching The Year Without a Santa Claus & Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July and then talked about it.
We forget the first movie by the end of the second, but we are sure that there was a lot of breaking the fourth wall, catchy songs, and a cute reindeer dog. Then we try to describe the convoluted, excruciatingly drawn-out plot(?) of Christmas in July which includes more than one tense scene of children facing their mortality.
Ep. 64: Drunk Halloween + The Witches
Tish and Juliana got drunk watching The Witches (1990) and then talked about it.
We somehow missed this 90s Anjelica Huston classic all these years, despite an affinity for anything witchy. Turns out it's mostly about a mouse boy on a mission where absolutely everything goes exactly as planned, so we weren't missing much.
Ep. 63: Movies as Escapism
Tish and Juliana talk about movies as escapism. First of all- what does escapism even mean? And why do we do it? Why does it work? We dive into our thoughts, and others' definitions and insights, about how escapism can be good or bad for us, the many ways movies create an escape, the privilege of being able to escape with a movie, and what we learn from connecting to characters outside of ourselves. Share with us- what's your movie to escape into?
Ep. 62: Five Year Anniversary Recap
Tish and Juliana talk about the movies we've featured on the podcast since we started in April 2015. Well, first we check in on how our we're living our pandemic lives. Then, we get into why we aren't "walking our talk" with the movies we choose for the podcast. The lack of diversity is embarrassing, especially considering what we know we both watch; why aren't we bringing that to our podcast choices? We're going to do better! Join us!
Ep. 61: Dirty 30 + Blending Media Formats and Platforms
Tish and Juliana talk about Dirty 30 and blending media formats and platforms. We've both turned 30 and have more than our fair share of thoughts on that. We also have too many thoughts on the various formats and platforms that media is now available on, how formats are created by the platforms but can also exist for multiple platforms, and of course it all comes back to ranting about straight white men dominating the film industry with their heads up their asses instead of allowing all the diversity from the smaller platforms to have a chance at the wider-reaching platforms.