La Photo Cabine of the Day

na-na-na-na na-na-na-na batman

It's batman week for me and my blog! I've gotten all the movies and am going to watch them all this week. I've also got Batman themed blog posts for everyday this week. I don't know why, but I just decided a while ago that I really wanted to see all the Batman movies. So, now I'm in full Batman mode. I hope you enjoy my Batman week!

10 Things I Love Sunday

1. This is Amazing

I am definitely going to try to do this myself!

2. Brushing a Bat with a Toothbrush

3. Peaceful Jewelry

4. Spongebob PS2 Controllers

I'm not a Spongebob fan, but these are so cute! I really need 4 new controllers for my PS2 so we can all play The Bible Game together. So, now, I'm officially on the hunt not just for PS2 controllers but for colorful & cute ones.

5. Hello Kitty Wine

6. Mark Ryden's Art

Strange and beautiful.
There's so much symbolism and detail in each piece.
Love the soft textures he creates.
This is his first piece I ever saw and loved it for a long time before I found out anything about him and his art.

7. Kris Kidd's Videos

These are my favorites. I've been watching a lot of fashion videos like these lately. Loves it. Check out more cool videos like these on his YouTube.

8. Another Reason to Love Jackson Rathbone

No, I don't just mean that picture. ;)
I'm talking about this quote from his interview with Nylon Guys.

Read more funniness from Jackson in the full interview with Nylon magazine here.

9. Feather Hair Accessory

Check out the DIY on Promise Tangeman's blog. I really want to make something like this. I'm really into natural, nature-inspired and feather accessories. I just wish I had money to buy the stuff to make this.

10. Wildfox's New Fashion Video

The Butterfly Effect Sequels

The Butterfly Effect is one of my favorite movies. It’s absolutely fascinating and a very good quality film. [Click here to see my review of the DVD I wrote a long time ago.] So, when I found out that there were not one, but two, sequels made I knew I would want to see them. I could tell that they weren’t going to be very good movies before I even saw them. I don’t know why they even tried to make sequels to The Butterfly Effect. As far as I know it wasn’t exactly a blockbuster, it was more of a cult film, like Donnie Darko (whose sequel S. Darko I happen to love.) From the descriptions of the movies on, I saw that both movies weren’t exactly sequels to The Butterfly Effect, but movies that used the same time traveling concept as the original. There’s a 20-something guy who keeps going back in time to save a girlfriend but he keeps changing something he didn’t mean to. He comes back to his present with no memory of what happened between and his world is very different.

A year after all of his friends die in a car crash, which he was in as well, he time travels back and avoids the accident. He jumps back to a year after with no memory in between. Same basic premise as The Butterfly Effect. At first everything seems great, but he screws something up and goes back to another time to try and fix it. And so on, and so on. The basic “careful what you wish for” moral. Things in the new reality seem great at first, but then he discovers he’s sacrificed something to get what he wanted; ie. his girlfriend for his job.

There was no background to this story. The most set-up you got was that there were four friends, two couples, they’d been together a long time, the guys worked together. There was no history of any of the characters. There was nothing to work up to or explain his first time travel. He didn’t even have a reaction to it like he was surprised when it started happening, or if it had happened before. It was really just for no reason, out of nowhere, he time traveled.

Because there is no character development, the whole movie just seems weak. You don’t really care about anything the characters are doing because you don’t know them. All in all, it’s a lame attempt at recreating a story similar to The Butterfly Effect. Don’t bother watching it. Unless, like me, you are just curious to see the lame sequel to a movie you love.

Both movies, but mostly the second, included some unnecessary and quite graphic sex scenes. Sure, the sex made sense within the story line, but it was unnecessary for the scenes to go on so long (mainly in 2) and be so graphic (in 3.) Adding sex scenes to a bad movie isn’t going to save it. They weren’t even good sex scenes.

I was curious who wrote this disastrous attempt at a sequel, so I looked him up on Turns out this is the literary genius who also wrote I’ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer. That gives you a good idea of the quality of this movie.

After watching the sad excuse for a movie that was the first sequel, this movie was a relief that it wasn’t nearly as bad. This one lies somewhere between the original and the second. Again, it doesn’t have enough back story of his time traveling. It is apparent that he has been doing it for a long time, but they don’t share much history of it. I felt that I got to know the characters in this movie, and therefor was more engaged in the story. It turned into a bit of a murder mystery with him jumping back to track a serial killer. In the end, the mystery is revealed. It’s such a strange ending, that it just seems a little unnecessary. It’s just a little too ridiculous. It’s interesting and unexpected for sure, but just little “Aw, geez, that is just too weird.” Overall, it’s not nearly as terrible as the first sequel. It’s actually worth a watch.

Cheese Rating: 3/5
Hilarity Rating: 1/5
Drama Rating: 4/5
Quality Rating: 3/5
For Fans of: The Butterfly Effect, time traveling movies, mysteries
Final Verdict: Don’t expect it to even touch the original, but it’s a decent dramatic mystery movie.

Someone Found My Doppelganger

I received this YouTube message today.

Before I saw the message, I only saw the subject line and I was worried it was another religious freak telling me I was going to hell for making videos like this. And then I thought it was going to be someone ugly because he said "i'm so sorry." But I went ahead and watched the video anyway, and was pleasantly surprised.

That totally does look like me posing silly in glasses, as I often do.

I dunno if the guy was trying to be mean and make fun of me, but I just thought it was pretty funny. And I want glasses like those now!
You can watch the whole video here. I don't think I really look like her other than that part because of the posing.

Fashion Friday: RG Shirt

I'm sure you're sick of this shirt. All the videos, photos, & posts in the past few days. I'm almost sick of it. Except not. Cause I love it. Cause it's Runaway Girls. Cause I made it.

I had a fun photoshoot with it.
Wayfarers because I didn't feel like doing my make-up.
Black skinny jeans that I took an exacto knife to, although I think they need even more, bigger rips.
I love those shoes. Platforms, stilettos, strappy. Surprisingly easy to walk in. For 5 inch heels.
I got quite a workout doing the squatting poses. I had to get up and reset the camera after every pose, so it was like doing squats. In heels. My calves really appreciated that.

See all the photos from this shoot on my Flickr.
Check out more of my outfits on my Chictopia.

La Photo Cabine of the Day

runaway girls t-shirt

As you saw in my last post, I made my Runaway Girls t-shirt on the weekend. Today I did a video & photo shoot to show it off and add to my video.

I've been drinking energy drinks ever since we had a couple at the fair Saturday night. Apparently it doesn't take much to get addicted to caffeine. I feel like I can't get up without it now. I've tried Full Throttle Blue Demon and Monster. They taste good compared to nasty energy drinks I've tried before like Redbull. But, of course, they don't even come close to the perfection that is TaB Energy.

What energy drinks do you like?

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Last Weekend

My weekend started Thursday night when my mom picked me up.

I am the Queen of Overpacking.
This time was especially bad because I happened to be bringing my comforters & pillows to wash (the machine here is too small), baking supplies (to bake more for the church bake sale), cupcakes & cookies (for bake sale), several bags of stuff for the Salvation Army. I swear, I usually just need my backpack. Or two.


I made my Runaway Girls t-shirt, which is our first 'mission.'

Looking for tape in my dad's study, this was on his desk.My father is a very strange man.

The spray fabric paint didn't work out as well as I had hoped.
Letting the shirt dry.

I think my parents have a serious solar lights addiction.


The church bake sale/plant sale/car wash.
Note the little tiny boy helping. It was so cute to watch him try to wash the cars with a giant broom. Yup, church is all about child labor.

Wouldn't be a church event without some Depends...

Saturday night I went to the fair with Kim & Monica.

I had to make sure my little friends were tall enough for the rides!
Okay, I was on my tip-toes, but I am like 5 inches taller than them.

Fake Indiana Jones.
We could tell that it was a fake Indiana because he didn't have a whip and he was just standing there with his hands up surrounded by bad guys. The real Indiana wouldn't just stand there helpless.

Mystery bee! We wanted to ride this one, but we got told to go on Parker.
Taking a picture of Monica...
Taking a picture of us!
Kim is sweet and wanted to hold Parker's hand.
I, however, prefer a nice slap on the ass.
I think the bee butts look like a fat kid in black clothes squished into something and then a kind in yellow clothes squished into that kid.

Kim won a big white cock playing the water gun game.

My new best friend, Mike, convinced me to play the dart balloon popping game.
He kept giving me more free throws!
Action shots!
High five!
Mike getting me my prize...
My purple pony! It's a My Little Pony wannabe.
Mike said he had to be in the picture, too.


On the roller coaster.

We kept an eye out all night, but never saw any tacos walking around. We were very disappointed.

Of course, I had to try on some of the crazy sunglasses!
I was just so impressed that strips of plastic in front of your eyes creates UV 400 protection!
I would have bought these if there wasn't that circle in the middle. I love the half-circle shape.

The way the world should be... Right, boys?
Spinning hubcap belt buckles = gangsta!
Groovy holographic pictures.
Ya. I actually bought the cowboy hat.
Amazingly tacky.
'Cause Monica knows how much I love Dora.

Monica got trapped in the glass & mirror maze.
That little girl came in just behind us in the maze and kept getting stuck.
Crazy mirrors.
Trying to be sexy.
I like big butts and I cannot lie...
The crazy mirror house ended in a slide.
Slides scare me when I can't see where they end...

Waiting in line for the crazy upside-down ride.
We were concerned Monica might not fit.
I don't do upside down rides, so I had to hold everyone's toys and purses.
We named our ponies after songs that were playing as we stood in line. Mine (purple) is X after a DMX song (she was DMX but later I decided just X was better). Kim's (blue) is Aqua (Dr. Jones was playing.) Monica's (orange) is Gold Digger (Kanyé song.) And then there's Colonel Cluck.
Scary ride.

On the ferris wheel.
When we got on the ferris wheel the carnie said "Nothing goes outside the glass." And then I saw the pole in the middle holding up the roof so, of course, I asked "But, can we pole dance?"
I tried to get a nice shot of the whole fair, but of course my timing is impeccable.

Last thing before we left: Monica had to get the Colossus Bagosaurus of cotton candy.

And that was my weekend.

How was yours?

Pretty Little Liars Preview

I Know What You Did Last Summer meets Gossip Girl?

ABC Family brings us another gem of a show. Yes, yet another show based on a tween/teen series of books. Doesn't it just look sooo scandalous?! This show just looks ridiculous and insulting to my intelligence. Part horrible, cheesey, B horror movie part shallow, pathetic, teen show. Who is going to watch this nonsense? Oh, right, tweens who think teenage drama like this is, like, so totally cool and, like, omg, that's what it's like to be a teenager, so, like, let's act shallow and bitchy like that.
I'm so over teenage shows like this. I stopped watching Gossip Girl during the second season because I couldn't handle the preposterous story lines and over-dramatic reactions to everything. It makes me sad to think of all the teenage and pre-teen girls who watch this stuff and actually enjoy it, want to be like these girls and think that's how they should be. Sure, everyone loves drama, but I think shows aimed at girls in that crucial developmental stage of their lives should be a little smarter. Audiences are as smart as you will let them be. If you write a dumb show you're audience will enjoy staying dumb. I think teenage girls need an intelligent, well written, interesting show full of good role models. But, you know, not too "after school special."
I'm sure this show won't last long, anyway. I think the Pretty Little Liars will be Pretty Little Unemployed Liars soon.

Note: I'm trying to write more reviews of movies, telly, and even trailers/previews like this. They won't usually be negative like this, though. I usually like to write about things that I want to recommend to people, not just criticize. But, when I saw this preview I just had to write about it.

La Photo Cabine of the Day

i feel like i'm cheating on tab energy

I had a great weekend hanging out at my parents' house in the country, reading my 15-in-1 Oz book (I'm now on the fourth). I made a Runaway Girls t-shirt, which is our first 'mission', helped out at the church bake sale/plant sale/car wash, and went to the fair with Kim & Monica. There will be a full photo-packed post once I get myself organized. Also stay tuned for my 'Mission: Runaway Girls T-Shirt' video and a video of fun at the fair. Actually, I think I have more footage of Kim & I dancing to disco in the car driving to the fair than of the actual fair.

10 Things I Love Sunday

1. Batman Tights

I'm also craving Batman movies. Going to download them all and have a Batman day soon.

2. Hippies

I'm a hippie on the inside.
I wish I lived in the 60's.

3. Girl Thing in Splice

Is it weird that I think she's pretty?

4. Crazy, Colorful Building

5. Rivers

6. Glitter!

7. Kristen Stewart Not Looking Like Kristen Stewart

She actually looks pretty. Which means she doesn't look like herself. I barely recognized her. She almost has an expression.

8. Wild Things on the Subway

9. Totoro Nail Art

I'm not a big fan of crazy nail art, but I am a fan of Hayao Miyazaki movies.

10. Wildfox Ads


It's time for another iPhone photo recap of my life!

This was the day after the Dora massacre. Hanging out with Kim's cats while she was at work.

I can find my name on a lot of stuff at my parents' house because they have a lot of British and Scottish stuff. Ha ha ha.

I've actually started to get good at Etch-a-Sketch drawing. The mountains and the flying thing were just by chance and then I decided that it looked like the mountains and flying thing from Avatar (we'd just watched it). So I added the big tree and little people and "AVATAR." Not too bad, I think.

After being quite pleased with my first drawing, I decided to try something a little more ambitious. Again, I think, not bad.
I made a pair of disco/mirror sunglasses. I think they're pretty bitchin' and I only cut myself once while making them! I'm planning on dressing up and doing a rockin' crazy photoshoot with these babies. They'll be for sale on my Etsy. Eventually....
Thanks to GeekSugar, I found out how my favorite bloggers were getting awesome old school camera looking photos on their iPhone. It's an app called Hipstamatic.

I went a little photo crazy with it because I love the look of old photos!
I actually rearranged my closet since this photo. Organization makes me happy. =)

Pinkberry and Sady Doll!

I wanted to get the sweet Hipstamatic look on photos I already have, so I tried taking a picture of my computer screen. Not that great.

I went for a walk to the park.

I had no idea it was a friggin' water park!

I can't believe I live in fucking suburbia.

The house I live in. There are two apartments in the basement.

My door!

Home from my walk. Still testing out Hipstamatic.

And then I accidentally discovered that shaking it makes all the options (film, lense, flash) random. So I had to take lots of photos to test them out.
Duff from Ace of Cakes has his own cake supplies line at Michaels! Eee! =D

Pretty box from Michaels.

Making my Runaway Girls Week 12 video, showing off Hipstamatic as my Love of the Week.
More randoms.

My Hello Kitty alarm clock. =)

I saw this sign on the way to the grocery store. We're going this weekend! (Hopefully)

Thanks to Genius in the iPhone app store, I found three more old photo apps.

Shake It Photo takes pictures and makes them look like Polaroids. You even get to shake it after you take the picture to make it appear.

Cross Process lets you choose filter options like basic, red, green and blue or more than one to create old/instant looking photos. You can use it to take photos or edit ones on your iPhone.
SwankoLab looks like a dark room and you can choose from several different chemicals to apply to a picture to create lots of different combinations and looks. Fun!

I think I'll put some photos from my computer on my iPhone so I can try different looks with these apps on them. I just love the old/instant photo look! I really want a program for my computer that will do what these apps do. Do you know any?

I can't wait to take lots of photos this weekend and make them look old and cool! And I think that my iPhone actually takes better video that my digital camera, but I want to test it in different lights and situations so I can really compare. So my iPhone might become my secondary video camera, rather than my digital camera. We'll see...

10 Things I Love Sunday

1. Hedgehogs

Cactus hedgehog.
Chocolate hedgehog.
Silly hedgehog.
Backwards hedgehog.
Albino hedgehog.So-cute-it-doesn't-look-real hedgehog.
Angry hedgehog.
Stuck hedgehog.

2. Possibly the Most Beautiful Thing I've Ever Seen

Fuck, I love trees.

3. Audrey Kitching's Peta2 Change Campaign Movie

I'd love to dress up as a superhero and a villain for the sake of Peta.

4. Dog Label Maker

You know I love my label maker. I label everything. But, a DOG label maker?! I'm in love!

5. Teepees

I want to make one this Summer.
And spend the night in it.

6. Improv Everywhere

This group does lots of awesome things like this. Some are like gags or pranks, they're all really funny. Check out their YouTube for more of their fun adventures.

7. Make Love, Not Horcuxes

If you don't know what a horcrux is, you suck.
8. Willa Holland

9. Stars on Faces

10. The Unicorn-Pegasus Mixed Breed


La Photo Cabine of the Day

all that's missing is the curlers

I am secretly an old lady. I'm sure you're shocked. The last one's a little bit scary. I always think I look like the chick from The Grudge whenever I have a face mask on. Well, it's dry now. I can't move my face. Time to go wash it off.

Let Them Eat Cake: Geek

I'm definitely a big geek at heart. I love computers, gadgets, Super Mario, Nintendo, video games, and anything to do with them. Geeky cakes and cupcakes are some of the cutest ones out there.

Super Mario Bros.


Video Games


Star Wars


La Photo Cabine of the Day


I filmed my Runaway Girls video today and Pinkberry made a little cameo. I love her, but I don't play with her as much as I used to, so I took some pictures with her.

Today I went to Chapters & Michaels to hand out my resumé only to have them tell me that I have to apply online. So, later, I found out online that that Chapters isn't hiring and I did the longest application and questionnaire of all time for Michaels. Seriously, over 200 questions. Those ones where they give a statement and you choose strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree. Geez. All that and all it said was they would contact me if they were interested. I'm sure they won't be with my lack of job experience.

So, back to Michaels. I bought some rhinestones to decorate glasses. $5 for a pack of 160. I bought three. I don't know if that will even be enough for one pair. I swear, once upon a time I bought a pack of rhinestones from Dollarama. Which means they were a dollar. And it was way more than one of the packs from Michaels. Those frames are going to have to be expensive. I really hope someone buys them! I also bought small silver round beads to decorate glasses (not sure how they'll look), two candles; vanilla cupcake and ocean breeze and a pretty container.

Right now I'm baking chocolate cupcakes because I'm out of food (grocery shopping tomorrow) and I have chocolate cravings!

10 Things I Love Sunday

1. Spice Girls Polaroid Camera

Must. Have. Oh. My. God.
2. Unique Glasses

I've decided I need to start collecting.
Because I look good in all kinds of frames.
And I love adding a bit of strangeness to every outfit.
It'll be my new thing.
The girl in glasses.
Who doesn't actually need glasses.

3. Fishtail Braids

I have yet to master the technique, but my hair isn't long enough to look good in a messy fishtail braid like these anyway.
4. Easy A

Ooh, boy, do I want to see this. It just looks so funny and cute and a good time!

5. Old Fashioned Carousels

6. Mary-Kate Olsen

I've always liked her more than Ashley.
She has better style.
And she's a good actress.
They're both amazing business women.

7. Turning Japanese

I forget how I came across pictures of this, but I just knew it would be amazing. Kirtsen Dunst dressed up all Harajuku running around Tokyo? Awesome. Turns out it's actually a music video for the song Turning Japanese, which she did a cover of. It's pretty amazing. I'd love to do something like this.

8. Jesus Candles

I love their look and I also love that they are super cheap and you see them in stores like this.
Religion is cheap, baby.

9. Daisy Dares You

The British Sky Ferreira? That's what I thought when I first saw Daisy in this music video. She has the same long, blonde, wavy hair and the same cute little face. They're both around the same age (16/17) and their music style is kind of similar. I've been listening to the few songs of hers that I could find over and over.

10. Blake Lively's Hair

It is its own entity.
Her two most well known characters both have "the hair." She played Bridget in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. In the books, Bridget's hair is described as being hypnotizing to boys and so yellow that people think it's dyed. In the Gossip Girl books, Serena's hair is also known to hypnotize boys and get her noticed, although it's described as very pale blonde.
Damn, I want my hair to be so long that it is like its own entity. Someday...

Pixie Inspiration: Me!

As I said, I'm going to be sharing some inspiration for my Pixie character/comic. My main inspiration for Pixie is myself. I originally created her as a cartoon version of myself. Not me exactly, but the cute, cartoonish parts of me. The time in my life when I was most like Pixie was when I was living in Thunder Bay, going to Film School. I had bright red hair and dressed in bright colors and cute, girly clothes.

For example; here's a photo my friend took on an average day at school. Orange and pink eye shadow, rhinestones around my eyes, and colorful hoodies.

My friend, Linda, sent me this for my 18th birthday. It pretty much sums me up at that time. The outfit is exactly what I wore in a video I made called Pixie in the City to show my friends my new apartment.

Here I am dressed up super colorful and crazy for a friend's film.
That outfit isn't really much crazier than I wore everyday.
[P.S. I made that dress a long time ago and I'm fixing it up (I did a pretty shitty sewing job) and going to sell it on Etsy eventually.]

I've always wanted purple irises. I thought they would look really pretty, especially with my bright red hair. So, I photoshopped myself purple eyes in this photo. Pixie has purple eyes.

I copied this picture from one I saw on the internet. I changed a few things to make it more like me like the red hair, pink everywhere else, and the heart & crossbones on the ring (a Ruby Gloom symbol that I really liked for a while.) This is basically how I saw myself and wanted to be at that time.

This picture is just so "Pixie". I look about ten years old, not eighteen. It's all bright colors and big eyes and cute. Totally Pixie.

Here I am on my 19th birthday, the end of my "Pixie" phase. A couple days after my birthday I dyed my hair its natural dark brown and it's been like that since. I was just over that cute phase. I wanted long, brown hair and my fashion style was changing from bright colors and cute dresses to more natural colors, more casual.

Although I'm not trying to look like a red-haired cartoon character anymore, I'm still Pixie on the inside. I love bright colors, cute things, cupcakes and being like a little girl, cute and silly. Pixie really is like one of my personalities inside of me, turned into a cartoon character. She'll always be a part of me, but as I grow older, I have to "grow up" which means no more crazy hair and clothes and only caring about cupcakes and cuteness. This character and comic is a way for me to keep Pixie alive. I can forever be a little girl with red hair having adventures with her toy dog, Pinkberry.

Let Them Eat Cake: Marie Antoinette

I've decided to name this weekly cakes, cupcakes & other goodies feature 'Let Them Eat Cake'. Which works perfectly because Marie Antoinette is one of my favorite movies. I love that saying, even though she didn't actually say it. It sounds like something I would say. "Oh, there's no bread? Well, let's have cake, then!"

I originally intended this week's post to be Marie Antoinette inspired cakes and cupcakes. But then I found all these gorgeous screen shots of all the pastries and delicious things from the Marie Antoinette movie. It's one of my favorite movies visually. The clothes, the cakes, the colors. Just look at all this deliciousness.