1. This is Amazing
I am definitely going to try to do this myself!
2. Brushing a Bat with a Toothbrush
2. Brushing a Bat with a Toothbrush
4. Spongebob PS2 Controllers
I'm not a Spongebob fan, but these are so cute! I really need 4 new controllers for my PS2 so we can all play The Bible Game together. So, now, I'm officially on the hunt not just for PS2 controllers but for colorful & cute ones.
5. Hello Kitty Wine
6. Mark Ryden's Art
Strange and beautiful.
There's so much symbolism and detail in each piece.
Love the soft textures he creates.
This is his first piece I ever saw and loved it for a long time before I found out anything about him and his art.
7. Kris Kidd's Videos
These are my favorites. I've been watching a lot of fashion videos like these lately. Loves it. Check out more cool videos like these on his YouTube.
8. Another Reason to Love Jackson Rathbone
No, I don't just mean that picture. ;)
I'm talking about this quote from his interview with Nylon Guys.
Read more funniness from Jackson in the full interview with Nylon magazine here.
9. Feather Hair Accessory
Check out the DIY on Promise Tangeman's blog. I really want to make something like this. I'm really into natural, nature-inspired and feather accessories. I just wish I had money to buy the stuff to make this.
10. Wildfox's New Fashion Video