I’ve been thinking about what I want to do; with my time, with my creative (unpaid) projects, with my career, with my life… The Break Up with Your Bullshit challenge made me focus in on exactly what I’m doing and because of that also made me zoom out and see all that I am doing and want to do.
Fuck, I’m tired. Is it because of winter? Is it because of eight months of being home alone? Is it because I’ve been doing too much? Nah, must just be the lack of sunlight.
So, I’m working out what I want to do with my time. Goals I want to achieve and how I’m going to get there. You know, sometimes you just want the end result but you don’t want to do the work to make it happen and that’s okay because when you realize that, then you can let that thing go and free up some brain space.
Goddamn, people are moving in on my floor and our doors are absolutely not soundproof so I might as well be in the hallway with them, it’s so loud and annoying.
What do I want to be known for? Like, if I were invited to speak on a panel, what would the topic be? What events would I be thought of for the guestlist? What other creators would be mentioned in an article about what I’m doing? What would be under my name on the lower third when I’m on TV? Are these superficial ways of thinking about and planning my content, or is this actually an effective way to focus on what I actually want to do?
I know I have to actually DO things to find out if they are going to be a thing that I do. I get stuck on which one to do first or which to prioritize before I even start doing the thing. But I think just doing all the things might be the best way to naturally let what I’m more interested in take up more time and things I care less about will get pushed aside and maybe that’s the way it should be. Give everything a fair shot to get started; don’t give up too quickly. But then let things grow or recede as your - I hesitate to use the word “passion” - interest narrows in on what you really like doing the most. Survival of the fittest. And then my problem won’t be too many things to do because the weak will fall off. And I won’t miss them because I’m so into the things that I am keeping doing.
I guess my Content Planner allows for that. Quarterly check-points means I can decide that, after giving it a fair chance, do I want to continue with it. And if I don’t, then there’s more time for the things I want to do which means they will progress more quickly! I think now I’m just writing to convince myself that it’s okay to have a lot in my planner for the first quarter because something will be surely eliminated at that first checkpoint. Maybe I should call them Elimination Rounds. Some of you will get a rose, some of you will have to go home. You are the weakest link, goodbye. TTYN. The tribe has spoken.
See you next Tuesday, eliminators.
Get out (leave) right now / It's the end of you and me
Sharing is Caring: I enjoyed the Kacey Musgraves Christmas Special last night on Prime. I liked the music, but I’m not sure what I think about her… she dresses like a mix of Dolly Parton and 70’s Cher but talks/acts like Paris Hilton.