Tiny Tale ❧ Ancients


Long ago, when the Earth was young, there were only the Ancients inhabiting the Earth. The Ancients wanted more for the Earth, and so they created life on its surface. They gave the life water, air, and soil to grow, survive, and reproduce. The Ancients delighted in watching life evolve, and they never interfered.

But there were two Ancients that delighted in destruction. Vulcan and Nimbus made trouble wherever they went. They set entire contents on fire and sunk others underwater. The other Ancients wanted life to thrive without these massive destructions, but Vulcan and Nimbus insisted that life needed adversity to help it grow stronger.

The other Ancients came together and used all their powers to contain Vulcan and Nimbus so they would no longer destroy life on Earth. They trapped Vulcan under the surface of the Earth and Nimbus above the Earth in the sky. To this day, they are both alive and always trying to escape. Vulcan pushes through cracks in the Earth’s surface and tries to jump out. Nimbus bursts forth from the clouds and tries to get down. Even trapped as they are, they manage to cause much destruction on the surface.

But if they manage to reach each other, they may be able to pull each other out of their prisons and once again wreak havoc on the Earth’s surface…

I'm the type of person who loves to sit outside and watch lightning, but then run inside if it gets too close. (One Mississippi, two Mississippi...) I also have nightmares about tornados, but maybe that's from watching Twister too many times as a child. I think I'd equally love and be terrified if I saw a tornado full of lighting. Not to mention a volcano, too!

Photo credit: Francisco Negroni