Only a couple more weeks of writing about myself here. I suppose I didn’t always have to be writing about myself. But it says a lot about myself that I wanted to write about myself every week…
Has writing about myself helped me learn anything about myself? ...Maybe only that I need to keep learning about myself… Me, me, me! All about me!
I’m not going to write about myself every week next year, but I will definitely keep writing.
I’m trying to give up social media. Mostly. Twitter has been feeling utterly useless. I have actual friends who use Instagram, so I’ll keep that, but I just unfollowed any celeb-ish person so it’s just real friends on there. I want to use social media MORE for Rated F; to interact with people and promote the podcast. And I use social media at work. But no one needs my random, usually sad/self-deprecating tweets. I certainly don’t.
I want real life. Real relationships with people. It feels good to text some far away friends and to catch up, but I want more in person interaction. I have great friends. I just want to be around them more.
I do my yearly reflection for my birthday, I’m not a New Year’s Resolutions person… But it’s only been a couple months since my “I’m thirty now” reflections, and the two weeks off work I get at the end of the year is a nice break to also do some reflection, re-prioritizing, re-calibrating before diving back into work and real life. So, I guess what I’m saying is this end of the year time is my time I make changes… Which is actually the worst time because I start to get seasonal depression and life is not normal with Christmastime stuff happening. But, I guess, as cheesey as it sounds, I am looking forward to starting the new year off on a different foot. We’ll see what actually sticks, right?
I like checking my Timehop app every morning. Sometimes it’s just “Wow, I was so stupid on Facebook 10 years ago.” But sometimes tweets or photos remind me where I was at, literally and mentally, exactly one year ago. At this point in my life, with things going well, it’s great to look back and see how far I’ve come over the past few years. I keep saying how last year’s Christmastime was so different because I was in my heartbreak depression and this year I’m NOT. I’m also remembering that just before New Year’s last year is when I went on that terrible date… I am once again swiping through dating apps, throughly disappointed by the prospects, but I guess there’s a chance I could find myself on a first date again soon. Ugh. But my point would be that I am a different person than last year at this time. Or not, but in a different mindset. Different outlook on dating and trying to find love. Mainly that I am open to it and not hung up on any exes now.
What a year! I’ll say that every year! Things happen! People change! Life is life! Fuck it! Try to be happy!
Thank god we’ve all changed since we were 22, amiright?
Sharing is Caring: I found a gay holiday movie! It’s Thanksgiving, not Christmas, but it’s still a movie about family getting together for a holiday. And there are GAY PEOPLE! Imagine! Gay people have families and celebrate holidays! Oh, it’s called Lez Bomb (as in “You’re gonna drop the lez bomb?”) and it’s on Netflix. Canadian Netflix, at least, I dunno where you’re watching.
See you next Tuesday, lezbos!