It’s Tuesday morning in Victoria. I’ve been awake for a while already because I haven’t really adjusted to the three hour time zone change; I’m still going to bed really early and waking up early. I don’t want to fall asleep again this morning, though, because I’ve got more tourist places to go to today. Even if it rains, which I’ve been lucky it hasn’t yet. It will.
I’ve been here three days and it’s been absolutely wonderful. I’ve seen so much. The ocean! Palm trees! Lakes! Gardens! Parks! Beaches! Otters, peacocks, deer, and seals! Today I’m going to see a lighthouse, going back to the most beautiful park (full of peacocks wandering around giving zero fucks about people getting up close for photos) because I decided I did not see enough of it yesterday, and then I’ll go to the museum. Tomorrow, I get in a rental car to get out of the city for the rest of the week.
I could write all about everything I’ve done and seen, maybe I will, or maybe I’ll save it to tell friends in person.
This is my first solo trip. It’s also my longest trip as an adult. I’ve never had the time off work or the money to afford a trip before. I’m not totally on my own here, I spent my first couple days with my friend and his girlfriend who generously hosted me for my first night. They also took me to some places I wouldn’t have gone to otherwise so I’m very grateful for that. And my friend joined me on a little ferry tour yesterday. But when we parted ways on Sunday, I was suddenly alone. Actually. Getting through airports alone is one thing but just being here. On vacation. A tourist. Alone… It’s what I intended when I planned this trip. Alone time. To push myself a bit. To figure things out by myself and keep myself busy as a tourist. All by myself. It’s pretty easy, actually. As long as I have Google maps telling me where I am, I’m perfectly happy to navigate myself around the city to what I want to see and do. When you’re touristing alone, you don’t have to compromise on how you spend your time.
I’ll write more after my trip about how I feel about this solo travel thing. And solo life. So far… I feel I’m enjoying everything as much as I would if I were with a travel companion. It’s nice to experience new things with a friend but I’m certainly not wandering around thinking this would be any more enjoyable with someone. It’s just good to know that I can enjoy experiencing a new place like this on my own. I guess that was the test of this trip. I told myself, either I do it alone or I don’t do it at all. I don’t want to go through life not doing things because I can’t find anyone to do them with me. And since friends don’t always have the same time and money as I will for travel and I’m not counting on finding any other kind of partner… this is it. Me on vacation. Alone. HAVING A GREAT TIME.
Gifs never work from the iPad app, so instead here’s a little slice of heaven known as Beacon Hill Park. I’m in love.
See you next Tuesday, Victorians!