The Doctor's Companions Ep. 33: You Leave the Brakes On

Tish, Juliana, and Linda talk about Season 5, Episode 4 “The Time of Angels” and Episode 5 “Flesh and Stone”. We struggle to understand all the new Weeping Angel rules and try to keep track of all the foreshadowing. And we start another new drinking game; every time Tish says she loves River Song.

Who News

Twelve's Sonic Screwdriver [



We asked you: 

With which animal-human hybrid would you like to share the planet?

Join in the fun by sending us your answers to this episode's question via




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The Doctor's Companions Ep. 32: You Do Not Require Tea

Tish, Juliana, and Linda talk about Season 5, Episode 2 “The Beast Below” and Episode 3 “Victory of the Daleks”. We've got two things The Doctor just can't stay away from; the Queen of England and the Daleks. After we get bluntly hit in the face repeatedly with the parallels between the star whale and The Doctor, we wonder how the little gooey Daleks built themselves new candy-coated tanks. And don't forget to zoom in on the cracks, so we don't miss them.

Who News

ThisJustin [



We asked you: 

If you were torn between two dream worlds, what would they be?

Join in the fun by sending us your answers to this episode's question via




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This Week In the Movies: Asian Whitewashing, Paul Feig & BBC Promise Equity, & More Disney Live-Action

Tish and Juliana talk about what’s new in the movies this week; Asians being whitewashed by Tilda Swinton and Scarlett Johansson, Paul Feig and the BBC each make strides toward gender equity, Batman v. Superman changed Warner Bros' plans, Emma Stone will be Cruella DeVille, and much more!

Recently Watched & Recommended
Tiny Feminists [Yulin Kuang]
The 4%: Film’s Gender Problem [EPIX]
Elvira, I Will Give You My Life But I'm Using It [Trailer] [Our review]
The Latin American Film Festival [CFI]

New Trailers
Alice Through the Looking Glass
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story [Wil Wheaton Mansplains]
The Curse of Sleeping Beauty
Doctor Strange
No Men Beyond This Point
Bad Moms
The Girl on the Train
Captain Fantastic
The Neon Demon

Paul Feig- equity clause [IndieWire]
Non-profit, female empowerment production company [The Mary Sue]
BBC half female on screen & off [The Guardian]
Stupid Fox & Paramount, no female directors coming up [The Wrap]
Canadian Lesbian Film [Screen Daily]
Georgia backs down [CBC]

How BVS is changing the DCEU [Nerdist News]
Warner Bros release dates [EW]
Tessa Thompson in Thor  [The AV Club]
Nathan Fillion in Guardians of the Galaxy  [Geek & Sundry]
Tilda Swinton as Asian character ugh [Variety]

Alicia Vikander as Lara croft [Variety]
Tom Cruise and Annabelle Wallis in a the Mummy reboot [Variety]
Scarlett Johansson in Ghost in the Shell [Angry Asian Man] [Screen Crush]
Elizabeth Banks in Power Rangers [Buzzfeed]
Emma Stone as Cruella and more Disney Live-Action coming up [KSL]

Sookie WILL be back for Gilmore Girls, if only a short scene [TVLine] [AV Club]
Female director on Sherlock [Variety]

Listen on iTunes, Podbean, or stay right here with the player below! Let us know what you think about this episode, suggest future episodes, or just say hi by emailing us at or tweeting us @IntheMoviesPod!

The Doctor's Companions Ep. 31: Geronimo!

Tish, Juliana, Linda, and special guest, Phil, talk about Season 5, Episode 1 “The Eleventh Hour”. Find out which of us want to be a Timelord, which of us would rather be a companion, and which of us wants to be a puppy thief. Find out how we all feel about the new Doctor and then get started on this season's drinking game: drink every time Tish says she loves Matt Smith/Eleven.

Who News

We asked you:

Which unseen Doctor & River adventure would you most like to see?

Join in the fun by sending us your answers to this episode's question via




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In the Movies Ep. 22: Spirited Away & Miyazaki's Female Heroes

Tish and Juliana talk about Spirited Away and Hayao Miyazaki's female heroes. Spirited Away was the first anime movie for a lot of Western people, including us, and remains one of our favorites of the genre. Along with Chihiro/Sen, Lin, and even Yobaba, we talk about all of the inspiring, complete, complex, interesting female characters in Studio Ghibli movies.

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The Doctor's Companions Ep. 30: The Doctor Who Movie

Tish, Juliana, and Linda talk about the terrible, made-for-TV, so-90's-it-hurts Doctor Who movie. We have questions from the first line spoken, and they only get more ridiculous as the movie goes on. What actually is the Eye of Harmony? Is The Doctor half human? Why do his two hearts show up on an x-ray? Why does he kiss Ryan Atwood's mom? We prescribe a large amount of alcohol to help you take in this movie.

We asked you: 

If you could be the companion in any #DoctorWho episode, what episode would you choose?

Join in the fun by sending us your answers to this episode's question via




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The Doctor's Companions Ep. 29: The End of Time Parts One & Two

Tish, Juliana, and Linda talk about The End of Time: Part One and The End of Time: Part Two. It's an emotional roller coaster of a finale. There's so much sorrow and fear, but also laughter and joy. There's a lot of confusion as we get through the chaos that is The Master, Gallifrey, Wilf, Donna, The Doctor, green porcupines, and weirdly horny father-daughter team... And before we can truly mourn the loss of our beloved Ten, we can't help but talk about all that is to come with Eleven and Moffat at the helm.

We asked you:

Would you rather be The Doctor (a Timelord) or The Doctor’s companion?

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The Doctor's Companions Ep. 28: The Specials

It's the beginning of the end! This week we tackle those three specials that Tennant did after season 4, to have some more adventures before the real big finale. (Hold back you tears, we'll get to that later.) 

We continue the Marvel & DC theme to my content and answer the question of which Marvel or DC character we'd like to see pair up with The Doctor, with some answers that have us wishing for some crossover comics!

We love two out of three of the episodes, so that's pretty good odds! We get through our least favorite Christmas special so we can talk about our favorite coulda/shoulda-been-companion, Lady Christina de Souza, and finish up with the creepy water infestation on Mars, where The Doctor loses his damn mind! We track The Doctor's descent into madness throughout these episodes to prepare ourselves for the big finale.

Who News

Doctor Who Spin Off: Class [



The BBC Has Revealed the Cast of Its Doctor Who Spinoff, Class [



We asked you: 

Would you like another Doctor Who movie? What would you like to see in it?

We're getting together this weekend to watch the Doctor Who movie together! (Two podcast episodes away...) 

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