Salacious Spuds

Easter weekend at Kim's, we were playing with some of her toys...
Let's just say, I have a very immature and dirty sense of humor...

We're going to turn these photos (there are more) into a video. Kim will do funny voices for the different toys and then the cat destroys it. Mua ha ha!

Fashion Friday: Jump Back!

Jumper: Made by me!
T-Shirt: I forget...
Shoes: Payless Shoes
Glasses: Le Chateau
I made the jumper from this cute dress.
[Really old, crappy picture but the only one I have.]

It just wasn't really my style anymore. I never wore it. But I really wanted a cute jumper, so I used a pair of suspenders, that were too short to actually wear as suspenders, to add some detail to the back.

Another picture in the jumper.

I've joined the fashion site Chictopia. You can now check out my looks there and see more details. There are only two there so far because I can only upload two per day. So expect two more looks per day for about the next week.

Do, Re, Mi

Let's start at the very beginning,
a very good place to start.

A deer, a female deer.

A drop of golden sun.

A name I call myself.

A long, long way to run.

A needle pulling thread.

A note to follow So.

A drink with jam and bread.

That will bring us back to Do, oh, oh oh...

10 Things I Love Sunday

1. Roller Skates

I really want a pair.

I love these!

2. Lights

I can't stop listening to Lights!

3. Birdcages

[I have that smaller necklace! Look!]

4. Paper Man Trailer

5. Resumé by Dorothy Parker

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp;
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.

6. Dane Cook - Isolated Incident

7. Cuts of Meat Dress

Find it here on Etsy.
She also has it in two other dress styles. I am so tempted, but I think over $50 for a jersey dress is too much. Even though it is amazing.

8. Drunk History

These are hilarious! Really, really drunk people tell the story of an historical event and famous actors dress up in really bad historical costumes and re-enact the story, lip-syncing to the drunk person's words, hiccups and all.

I want to start doing similar videos, but instead of historical stories (Because who actually knows or cares about history? No one I know!) I was thinking of having them tell stories of movies, fairy tales, books, or other stories. I'm not sure I would do the re-enactments with the lip-syncing like they do, but maybe I could use the movie clips if it's a movie. Well, we'll see if I can get some drunk people to tell me stories first.

9. Cooking Mama

I played Cooking Mama a few years ago on a friend's Nintendo DS and loved it. The other day I downloaded it for my iPhone. It's just a really simple game; you chop, peel, mix, etc. to make a recipe. I was playing it and had to rip of a shrimp's head and take off it's skin (or is it a shell?) and I tweeted "I want a vegan Cooking Mama game. I feel bad ripping off the heads of virtual shrimp." My lovely vegan friend, Monica, saw that on my Facebook and gave me the link to this:

It's horrific and amazing at the same time. You have to rip the feathers off the turkey then kill it. And it makes sad painful sounds while you do. Try it out, and think about what animals go through before they're killed the next time you eat an animal.

10. Marie Antoinette Posters

Fashion Friday: Like a Virgin

Dress: Rachael & Chloe (Winners)
Shoes: Midtown (Zellers)
Sunnies: Claire's

I love this dress. It's just so pretty. White + Lace + Ruffles = Pretty. It would look better if I didn't have boobs, though. I undid the top buttons so it wouldn't look stretched. The dress is actually two pieces. The under dress is a white tank top style dress with ruffles at the bottom. The over dress is all lace, button-up with ruffles along the bottom. I should have taken a close-up of the shoes. They are possibly the cutest shoes I own.

Other Photos from This Shoot

Just Sayin'...

First Time: Oct. - Dec. 2005
Second Time: Jan. - Mar. 2007
Third Time: Aug. 2007 - Nov. 2008

Kat von D - Mar. 2010

Clearly, I am a trend-setter and Kat von D wishes she were as cool as me.


Runaway Girls: Week Seven

I'm happy to be making videos regularly again. I filmed this week's video standing on my bed to take advantage of the sunlight from my one tiny window in my basement apartment. It wasn't so bright that I needed my sunnies, I just wanted to wear them cause they're so cute!

I had fun creating my superhero-self, Pixie. I've actually been thinking for a while of creating a comic/cartoon character of myself. I'm not a great drawer, but I'm going to try to perfect Pixie and my cartoon/comic drawing style. I want to create a comic series starring her. It might be like a comic or I might make it into videos with voices. Kim is really good at accents and funny voices, so I would use her mad voice skillz.

10 Things I Love Sunday

1. Stay by Skye Sweetnam ft. Ak'sent

I keep playing it over and over and over. So addicted!

2. 17 by Sky Ferreira

Another song I'm totally addicted to. And the music video is pretty cool, too.

Josh Groban on Never Mind the Buzzcocks

I didn't really know anything about Josh Groban except that he sang that operatic song "You Raise Me Up" until I saw him on Never Mind the Buzzcocks (one of my favorite shows.) He is absolutely hilarious. And he has such a nice, sweet face.

4. Capes

5. Fire and Neon

A band from my hometown, Kemptville. Most of the bands from there are hardcore screamo, so I was surprised to find this really cool non-screamo band. I'm bad at describing music, but they list their influences as Muse, Coldplay, Kings of Leon, Killers, Stars, Death Cab for Cutie, Lights, MGMT, Depeche Mode, and White Lies. Go to their MySpace to listen to their music.

6. True Blood Promo Posters

Oh, man I'm excited for Season 3 to begin June 13th!

7. Tree Hugging

8. Pretty Cigarettes

9. Terrariums

10. Evanna Lynch

Dino Love

Today in class, while scooping raspberry jam onto linzer paste, I suddenly had the urge to watch Jurassic Park.
I realized that I don't have it. I don't even have it on my list of movies to get, which seems like a great oversight on my part. It's not really a gem of a movie, but it's entertaining enough. I don't think I've seen any of the sequels, so I want those too.
I think I'll buy the book as well. I read it in grade 12 English class and I really loved it. I didn't think I would because the movie wasn't my favorite. I love books that incorporate science into the story. Jurassic Park has a lot of science and interesting pre-historic knowldge in it. I love to learn something new while I enjoy a good story. That's why I love Dan Brown's books (The DaVinci Code).

So, while those movies are downloading, I thought I'd blog about dinosaurs.
Let's start with some pictures of dinosaurs and dinosaur related items from
Oh, dear, LORD, I hope this is real.
Oh, I would LOVE this!
Dinosaurs in Movies & Telly

Katie of Skunkboy Creatures made this adorable dino.

My friend Josey had a toy dinosaur in her first student film, Addiction Salée.
(That's not Josey, that's Kelly.)

I was in the film. So was my BFF Jason.

One of my t-shirt designs.

Addie and I gave our friend dinosaur toys for her birthday and took these.

This is my dino egg I made on Easter with Kim.
(There will be a blog post soon with lots of pictures of us doing pysanky.)

I really want one of these.

After looking at all these pictures I really want some dinosaur paraphernalia and toys.
Do you love dinos? Did I miss any famous dinos?

My Favorite Music Videos

I don't see a lot of music videos lately because I don't have MTV or MuchMusic, but I've gathered a few that have become my favorites to watch over the years. I love all the songs, but the videos are my favorites because of the whole look. Most of them have amazing outfits, sets, and just a visual style that I love. And some are just fun.

Vanessa Carlton - White Houses

Because of this video, I always want to dance all crazy-part-ballet-part-interpretive-dance to this song. Vanessa Carlton was actually studying ballet when she fell in love with the piano instead.

Beyoncé - Single Ladies

Um, how can you not love this? Amazing dancing, Beyoncé's amazing body. Like, damn. Try not to dance while watching this or listening to this song.

Skye Sweetnam - Music is My Boyfriend

Not only does Skye make awesome, fun music but she also makes a lot of videos, like this one. For a "homemade" video, it's pretty amazing. So cute. I love her.

Florence and the Machine - Rabbit Heart

[click here to watch]

It's just so pretty. Like, I want to live in this video.

Lykke Li - Little Bit

Oh, I just love her. Pretty song. Pretty video. I always shoulder dance like that to this song. I love how some people are dancing crazy. It works cuz it's a pretty song, but it does have a good beat.

Lindsay Lohan - Confessions of a Broken Heart

Okay, I'm sure you're thinking "Ew! Lindsay Lohan!? She's such a twat!" Okay, fine. And half of this video is a cheesey re-enactment. BUT I love the scene with Lindsay. Love the dingy bathroom, love the dress, love her whole look. Love the song. And, yes, sometimes I actually like Lindsay.

Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For?

The costumes. The sets. Alice in Wonderland. Oh, how I love you and your Harajuku Girls, Gwen.

Gwen Stefani - 4 in the Morning

Pretty song. Pretty girl. I love how naked she looks. I know she has clothes on, but they're neutral, not some crazy costume. And her hair is down and she has minimal (for her) make-up on. The pretty rawness of the video goes so well with the song.

Aly & AJ - Potential Breakup Song

Love this song. It's just fun. I like how they dance around and rock out. And the inky effects at the beginning and end are cool.

Rihanna - Umbrella

It's just so damn catchy. And bad ass. And sexy.

Pink, Christina Aguilera, Mya, Lil Kim - Moulin Rouge

Ooh, the costumes. The big hair. Love the whole Moulin Rouge look.

Sarah Hudson - Girl on the Verge

Another Alice in Wonderland inspired video. More costumes I want want want.

Here are a couple videos I've discovered recently that I love. Not sure if they'll become all-time favorites like the rest, but for now they're pretty awesome.

Paloma Faith - Stone Cold Sober

Let's party!

Sky Ferriera - 17

It's got a cool street look. Like with the spotlight on her on the bike. And, I mean, my god. The hair. It's its own being. A little disturbing watching a 17 yr old make out in her bra with a guy.

I'd love to hear what some of your favorite music videos are, or if you know of any that you think I'd like, please share!

Easter Weekend

I suppose I'm a little late posting about Easter, but I was busy this weekend enjoying the weather, hanging out with Kim, spending time with my parents, and generally enjoying my time away from my apartment, computer and internet. I'm actually quite proud of myself for barely Tweeting all weekend and not compulsively checking Facebook and blogs and sites. That's why I didn't do Fashion Friday or 10 Things I Love Sunday posts for last week.

So, now I'm back home. I didn't have Monday off like most people (damn college). I've been kind of... down... lately. Although I had a really good weekend away, it's always hard for me on Sunday nights/Mondays when I'm suddenly alone after being around people all weekend. So, I had a hard night last night, but today I'm focusing on good things.

+ Cleaning up my apartment because seeing a nice, clean, organized apartment around me makes my brain feel nice, clean and organized, so I can actually focus on things.
+ Working on blog posts I've been working on/been meaning to write.
+ Making plans for making money. First of all, I need to get a lame job in a store or something. But I also need to start making plans to start making wedding cakes/cakes. (My mom actually suggested that to me this weekend, which was odd, but nice, of her since she never encourages any of my creative plans.) And making dresses, t-shirts, aprons, sleep masks, pillows, jewelry and other goodies to sell on Etsy.
+ Make my Runaway Girls Week Six video. I haven't done one since Week Two. I feel like I'm being a bad example as the creator/"leader" by not making videos.
+ And, of course, I have a million little things on my TO DO lists that I could do today. Creative things and just get-this-done things.

Blog Posts You Can Look Forward to Seeing Soon
+ Kim and I did Pysanky (we call it Spanky) on Sunday
+ My life lately in iPhone pics (including baking class)
+ My Favorite Music Videos
+ my product ideas to sell on Etsy (mostly sketches)
+ what my dreams mean & why i'm crazy
+ some silly & salacious pictures I took while playing with Kim's toys

This is one of my favorite YouTube videos. I was going to post this on the weekend, but it actually seems more appropriate to watch it after Easter is over.

Happy Easter!

Fashion Friday: Little Bit Country, Little Bit Rock n Roll

I'm going to try and post a new outfit/look of my own for my Fashion Fridays from now on. I realized that posting a bunch of looks from was really just a way for me to keep track of looks I like. You can go look at yourself, you don't need me posting tons of looks from it here. And since I still can't get on myself, I'll post my looks here.
"Little Bit Country, Little Bit Rock n Roll"
Dress: Garage
Leggings: Sirens
Boots: Zellers
Jacket: Garage
Bracelets: Garage

Sparrow & Birdcage Necklace: Claire's
Bracelets: Garage & Aldo
Ring: American Eagle

Down the Rabbit Hole...

I came home from seeing Alice in Wonderland Sunday night in a really weird mood. Good movies always really suck me into their world and I stay in that world for a while afterward. My mood wasn't just because of the movie, though. I'd been in a gloomy, thoughtful, weird mood for a while and I had a school assignment that was stressing me out. So, Sunday night, in this weird mood, I had all these crazy thoughts in my head that I suddenly wanted to write down. I haven't been writing in any kind of journal lately, so it was a good release to write some stuff out of my head.

These ramblings probably won't make any sense to you, but I thought I'd share. I started out writing somewhat poetically, but soon I was just writing down faster than I could think all these crazy thoughts. Here's a peek into my clearly deranged mind...

looking for the rabbit hole
an escape from this place
this life isn't mine
not where I belong
where am I?
who am I?

I'm bad with time
never know how to manage it,
what to do with it
how do you count something
you cannot see?
how do you understand something
you cannot feel?
it doesn't exist
what is it?
things happen.
one after the other
at the same time.
same time, different places.
what is space?
what is keeping me from you?
where am i?
my location is defined
by my distance from you

when you're not around
you don't exist.
do i exist?
does the rest of the
world exist outside this room?
does the time keep passing
for the rest of the world
when it seems to stop
alone in my room?

the speed of time is
perceived. subjective.
does everyone have their own speed?
how can we measure
time when its speed
is different for each person?

can i stop time?
can i speed it up?
what is the future?
the future will never happen
the past doesn't exist.
there's only now.
and memories of the past
the only way you know
what happened is by
remembering it
but memories are subjective
they change every time
you remember them
so how can anyone
ever know what really

if the past is only
our memories, then
either the past doesn't
exist or whatever we
remember must have
so who are they to call people crazy?
their memories are their memories
one cannot challenge
someone else's memories
no one can ever know
what another human's
senses have perceived

we're only memories
memories of what our
5 senses have sensed
and what our minds
have thought.
what is the mind?
what are thoughts?
where do they come from?
what are we?
souls? spirits? life?
atoms. electricity.
god. nothing.
why are we here,
experiencing things?
do these experiences
mean anything?

what is my life?

actions have consequences
consequences that will
happen in the future
but the future will
become the past.
the consequences will
just be memories
memories are subjective
memories can be forgotten
if the past only exists
in memories and we
forget the memories
then did it happen?
yes, because the consequences
are our present
and other pasts
but we can never know
every consequence
of an action
we cannot trace everything
that happens back to
the thing that caused it
which is why everything
appears to happen
for no reason
there is a reason
we just don't know it
everything is connected
we just don't know
each connection.

life. consciousness.
bodies. other people.
interactions. actions.
if i don't make any
contact with other
people i don't exist
in that time because
there are no memories
of me. but my own.
when i'm alone i don't
exist to the world.
i'm in my own world
it's hard to go into
other people's worlds
after being in mine for
a long period of time

but, what is time?
time in my world is
different than time in
the outside world
but when i go back
to the outside world
does my time spent
in my world match
up to their time?
i could be much older
in my world than in
theirs since i spend
more time in mine.
maybe that's why i'm
much wiser in my
world than in theirs.
in their world, i'm
stunted, retarded,
i don't know how to
function and navigate
in that world
as well as mine
i fit in my world and
things fit me
bringing people into
my world - no -
merging my world
with someone else's
is difficult. they
never seem to fit.

maybe that's what soul
mates are. souls whose
worlds can merge
together and become
one world where
they both fit
my life doesn't fit
with anyone's. not
even my best friends'

sometimes i wish i could
just stay in my world
i never like the worlds
other people create for me
i don't like the outside
world controlled by

excuse me while i
put my life, my world
on pause. while i attend
to things for their
world. my life in their
unfortunately i cannot
escape being a part of
their world
it's life. mine and how
i share it with the
rest of the world.

Thinking About Dying My Hair...

I haven't dyed my hair another color since I dyed it from bright red to dark brown a year and half ago. I've dyed it dark brown again a few times because it has faded. My natural hair color is dark brown, but it fades because of the bleach underneath.
I want a change of hair. I've never gone this long without cutting or dying my hair. I've been growing it out for almost three years! My hair is totally fried from all the bleaching (it was bright red for over a year- that means bleach under Manic Panic) and then dying. That's why I'm only considering semi-permanent color. Also, because I don't want a permanent color change. Just something different for a while. My long term hair want is still elbow-length, wavy, dark brown hair.
So, I'm thinking a nice dark red. Well, it will have to be dark, since it's going over dark brown and semi-permanent means no lightening chemicals. I've had various shades of dark reds and burgundies over the years (I've been dying my hair since I was twelve) so I know I like it. I'm looking forward to a change.

Here's some visual inspiration of the color I'm hoping for.

Some of those pictures are a little more orange than I want, or a little brighter than will be possible, but they're pretty pictures. You get the general idea.

The Little Pink Book: Social

I've been working on articles and ideas for The Little Pink Book for a few years now. I want it to be something between silly, cute, girly books like Confessions of an Heiress by Paris Hilton and something more serious with good advice for teenage girls/young women. So, some of what I've been writing has been cute, silly little tips & tricks for being a girly girl and some has been more serious articles about dealing with social situations, boys and fashion.
I haven't posted anything I've been writing for it lately, because I haven't been writing anything substantial for a long time. However, I thought it was about time I shared some more of it with you.
Here is all the articles and tips I've written under the Social section. Some are written fairly well, some are a little rambling, some are just vague ideas. Please, don't judge my writing too harshly as I haven't done any real editing to this stuff. However, I would love your feedback about it all; about the topics, what I'm trying to say, if you think I have no idea what I'm talking about, or anything you think I should add.
I think I will be posting more stuff I'm writing for The Little Pink Book in the future because I've been writing lately. I go through creative outlet phases and I haven't been writing for a while. That's changing, though. Also, number 2 on my 20 Things to Do Before I Turn 21 list is 'Finish a Draft of The Little Pink Book', so I better get writing!
Shy vs. Mysterious
So you’re not a social butterfly. That’s okay. Being put into a new social situation can be hard, whether it’s something small like a party or something major like moving to a new city. Just because you can’t instantly work a room like a pro socialite, doesn’t mean you can’t make a memorable first impression. The key here is to be mysterious, rather than shy. Shy is a girl without enough confidence and self-esteem to be social. A mysterious girl has enough confidence and self-esteem to know she is fabulous enough that she doesn’t need to be social right away. Mysterious is sexy and intriguing, never snobby. Be confident enough to know that you don’t need other people to validate your place in that room, but never go past being confident to being a snob.
Being the mysterious girl means people will never get bored of you. Never reveal all of your secrets. If you keep people guessing, you’ll keep people around. People will always want to talk to you to find out more about you.
Even if no one else can tell the different between your “shy” and your “mysterious”, if you enter a room full of new people with the “mysterious” mentality rather than the “shy” mentality, you will be able to handle it with confidence and you might even get out, not only alive, but with some new friends (and maybe even that cute boy’s digits).

Being Late
Keeping her own time zone is the right of every girl, however there are times when being late is not acceptable. When other people are counting on you, you have to be reliable. You can’t be late for work or appointments. I won’t talk about manners or etiquette much in this book, but this is definitely a rule. Besides, who wants to have to rush getting ready and run to an appointment? No girl ever leaves the house looking good if she had to get ready in a hurry.
Being late is acceptable for most social events, like parties. No one expects you to be there at a specific time, so it’s at your discretion. If you are late, just whip out a pre-loaded vague excuse about traffic/last minute phone call/ran into an old friend and apologize profusely. A girl can get away with anything if she just turns on the charm and flashes her winning smile.

On Being Unique
Not doing something because everyone else is doing it is just as bad as doing something because everyone else is doing it.
We all want to be unique but trying to be different for the sake of being different is just as silly as trying to be the same for the sake of being the same. It’s impossible not to be influenced by what everyone else is doing around us. But try to minimize how much that affects your decision making. You may think you’re not letting how the girls dress affect how you dress at all because you dress so different, but probably you’re letting it affect you a lot because you’re choosing to dress so different based on what they’re wearing, not entirely based on what you want to wear.
Girls who want to be different: don’t be afraid of being the same in some ways, no one is truly out on their own planet.
Girls who want to blend in: don’t be afraid of being different is some ways, it will make you stand out for being yourself in a group of clone girls.
People say “be yourself” all the time. But who really knows what that means? We’re constantly on a journey to finding out who we are and experimenting with different versions of ourselves. Instead of “be yourself”, I say “keep trying to discover yourself”. Try new things all the time, you’ll never know what you like until you try it and you could be missing out on something that could make you happy, even if that turns out to be something “lame” like chess club.
You’ll never really figure yourself out completely. Even adults who seem to have everything figured out are constantly discovering new things about themselves and constantly changing.
It’s like that old saying “it’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” your life doesn’t have a destination, it’s just a journey. So just keep going, discovering new things about yourself and the world along the way. Ever evolving, ever changing.

The Differences Between Boys and Girls
Guys just need more time. Girls are more emotional and we get ahead of ourselves when it comes to boys. In reality we can be just dating, but in our heads we’ve skipped ahead all the awkward parts and are already imagining romantic getaways and introducing him to our friends. Guys aren’t as complex emotionally, they can only react to what’s in front of them. They’re easily distracted, so when they’re not with their girl of the moment, they’re not always thinking about her and planning a big romantic date. They’re thinking about work, school, sports. When it comes to dealing with boys, girls need to try and stay in the moment emotionally. It’s okay to fantasize, we all do it, but it can be hard keeping our emotional reactions to the fantasies in our fantasies the next time you see the guy. Most of all, be patient. That seems to be rule number one when dealing with males. We’re too fast for them, we gotta force ourselves to slow down to their pace. ‘Cause God knows they aren’t about to speed up to ours.

The Break-Up Avoidance Dance
The reason guys go to extremes to get out of a relationship is not because they’re jerks, but because they actually don’t want to hurt our feelings. And more selfishly, they don’t want to hurt our feelings in person, so they don’t have to deal with our “messy emotions”.
Guys don’t give us enough credit to have control over our emotions in a situation like a break-up. They don’t want to be the bad guy, so instead of telling us the truth, that they’re “just not that into us”, they try to weasel out of it with vague excuses given through emails, IMs, or texts because it’s harder to flat out lie in person.
Just as you’re getting angry thinking about how stupid guys are for pulling this stuff, try to see it from their perspective. Guys aren’t always the ones who do the breaking up. When was the last time you told a guy straight to his face that you didn’t want to go on a second date? It’s a lot easier to just send him an email with some excuse that won’t hurt his feelings.
Both sexes are guilty of doing the break-up-avoidance-dance. We all need to learn to have some guts, and put our feelings out there, whether good or bad. And since guys are slow learners, and probably won’t be reading this book, you’ll have to lead by example. Next time you need to let a guy down easy, just be direct, and honest, but not brutal. Guys have feelings (and egos) too. Maybe once guys get the hint that girls are tough enough to let a guy down to his face, without crushing him, they’ll realize that we can handle the same being done to us.

Tip: Duckie
Every girl needs her own “Duckie” (Pretty in Pink); a guy who is totally in love with her, but who she only likes as a friend. It’s a great confidence booster to have someone who adores you no matter what. It’s even better when it’s a guy, so when the guys you’re interested in aren’t paying any attention to you, you at least have one nice guy who is.

Some Rules for Dealing with Guys
Rule #1
All guys really want is sex. Even if they really like you and want a relationship, their goal is sex. That doesn’t mean you have to give it to him until you’re ready, though.
Rule #2
Learn to understand and accept when he’s just not that into you. Don’t waste time on a guy who doesn’t care.

Going Out/Drinking
The best way to save money on a night out is also the best way to avoid STDs: abstinence. Drinks at clubs are so expensive. Don’t drink. Drink energy drinks before you leave. You’ll be able to party all night without getting sloppy and tired. Only boring people need alcohol and/or drugs to have fun. Real girls use their brains and creativity to have a good time, not substances.

Party Tip
When talking to people whose lives are for more impressive than yours, there are a few tricks to make yourself sound more impressive. Choose your wording carefully to make it sound better than it is. Act like you're really happy about it, so at least you don't agree with them that your life pales in comparison to theirs. If necessary, lie. Lie your ass off. But try to make it believable. And then quickly make your escape to avoid follow up questions.

Dating Tip
Don’t be afraid to call him first. Someone’s got to make the first move and it’s no easier for a guy to get up the guts to call first.

Purple iPhone Case

I covered my crappy iPhone case in purple duct tape the other day.
It looked pretty cool, but it wasn't very practical. It didn't fit as well because of the duct tape folded into the inside. And all the parts I had to cut out looked messy. So, I just took it off. Shame to waste my pretty duct tape. I'm planning on buying a new iPhone case anyway, because this one is filthy and cracked. This is the one I'm looking at. 

10 Things I Love Sunday

1. Gilmore Girls
I'm currently going through all 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls. I always have a TV show that I play in the background all day. I've watched the entire series several times. I'm still not sick of it. I discovered a lot of good movies from looking up all the stuff they reference in their speed-talking rambles.

2. Spring
It's been lovely warm weather for the past week. Spring is on its way! Except that this week there will be snow! Well, I'll make it through it and it will get back to Spring soon enough, I hope.

3. Phil of the Future
There was a time in my life where my sleeping schedule was controlled by Phil of the Future. It was on every night at 2am, so I would stay up to watch it and go to sleep after.
Sure, it's just a silly cheesey Disney channel show, but I loved it. It was funny and so cute. Especially the two stars, Ricky Ullman and Alyson Michalka.
I'm currently downloading both seasons. I miss it!

4. Feel It in My Bones by Tiesto ft. Tegan and Sara

5. Green Converse
I really want a pair!

6. Braces
Okay, no one actually loves having braces. I was remembering when I had them and all that came with that. Getting food stuck in them, putting wax on them when they hurt my lips, having elastics going from top to bottom, having a retainer after. I actually still kind of have braces. I think it's called a permanent retainer. It's like braces on the back on of my bottom teeth.
Speaking of teeth, one of my wisdom teeth as been coming in for a long time, but lately the gum its breaking through has been sore when I chew back there.

and my favorite girl with braces... Sky Ferreira
7. My friend Josey's Blog
I wish she had told me about it earlier. It's awesome. We write about a lot of the same kind of things (but she has more food, less fashion) and we link to all the same favorite blogs. I also got the idea to add the "reading", "watching", etc. on my blog like she did on hers. Check it out!

8. Fonts
I recently downloaded a bunch more fonts from 1001 Free Fonts. I love fonts!

9. My Headboard
Check out the DIY here!

10. I want this...

Some things I definitely do NOT love this week...

Having to actually do school work outside of class. The most I normally have is studying for tests and handing in review questions once in a while. I have a big assignment due tomorrow that I still haven't started. I hate school work.

The weather forecast for the coming week. Back to freezing temperatures and snow.

Kim is too busy with school to play with me.

Having Addie tell me that the boy is a jerk and I need to forget about him. For a second time. She's right, but it still sucks.

DIY: Duct Tape Headboard

I made an impulse purchase at Michael's the other day. Purple and turquoise duct tape. Two of my favorite colors. I had no idea what I was going to use them for until I had the brilliant idea to use them to cover my ugly old headboard.

Here's how I did it.

Step One: Cover in purple duct tape.It used up almost the entire roll.
Step Two: Draw cupcake on wax paper.
Step Three: Cover cupcake in duct tape.
Step Four: Cut out shapes.
Step Five: Peel off wax paper.
This was trickier than I thought. When I first tested the duct tape on the wax paper, it came of easily, but it wasn't so easy to get off the cut out shapes. I used an exact-o-knife to help. I didn't have the patience to get every speck of wax paper off the duct tape. I just tried to get most of if around the edges, at least, so it would stick.
Step Six: Stick cupcake shapes on headboard.

I'm really happy with how it turned out. I always planned to cover the headboard with fabric or something, but never got around to it. Having that ugly headboard was the one old, ugly, tacky thing in my apartment. Everything else is very colorful, so now my headboard fits right it. The turquoise duct tape is almost the same color as my turquoise furniture, so it all ties together.