1. Gilmore Girls
2. Spring
It's been lovely warm weather for the past week. Spring is on its way! Except that this week there will be snow! Well, I'll make it through it and it will get back to Spring soon enough, I hope.
3. Phil of the Future
4. Feel It in My Bones by Tiesto ft. Tegan and Sara
5. Green Converse
I really want a pair!
6. Braces
Okay, no one actually loves having braces. I was remembering when I had them and all that came with that. Getting food stuck in them, putting wax on them when they hurt my lips, having elastics going from top to bottom, having a retainer after. I actually still kind of have braces. I think it's called a permanent retainer. It's like braces on the back on of my bottom teeth.
Speaking of teeth, one of my wisdom teeth as been coming in for a long time, but lately the gum its breaking through has been sore when I chew back there.
and my favorite girl with braces... Sky Ferreira
7. My friend Josey's Blog
8. Fonts
I recently downloaded a bunch more fonts from 1001 Free Fonts. I love fonts!
9. My Headboard
10. I want this...
Some things I definitely do NOT love this week...
Having to actually do school work outside of class. The most I normally have is studying for tests and handing in review questions once in a while. I have a big assignment due tomorrow that I still haven't started. I hate school work.
The weather forecast for the coming week. Back to freezing temperatures and snow.
Kim is too busy with school to play with me.
Having Addie tell me that the boy is a jerk and I need to forget about him. For a second time. She's right, but it still sucks.