Tiny Tale ❧ Foxes


In a land far away, or maybe very close, there lived three fox families. The Family Black, the Family White, and the Family Red. The Family Black lived in the North. The Family White lived in the South. And the Family Red lived in between. The Family Black and the Family White continued a generations-long feud, while the Family Red had always been caught in the crossfire. A time came that the daughters of each family wished the futile conflict to end, so they met in secret to discuss creative solutions for peace. After their meeting, they each returned home.

The Daughter Black went to her matriarch and said “My Queen, we must forgive if we shall ever live in peace.”
The Black Queen replied, “The Family Black never forgives.”

The Daughter White went to her matriarch and said “Oh, Empress, we must have empathy if we shall ever live in peace.”
The White Empress replied, “The Family White feels no empathy.”

The Daughter Red went to her matriarch and said “High Priestess, we must bring our sisters together if we shall ever live in peace.”
The Red High Priestess replied, “The Family Red will lead by example.”

The Red High Priestess invited both the Black Queen and the White Empress to join her under the guise of a formal dinner. When both matriarchs arrived and saw each other, they both turned to leave, but then the three daughters showed themselves, and they were wearing each other’s colors. The feuding matriarchs were stunned into silence by the sight of their daughters together, so they listened when their daughters shared their feelings about the feud and their solution for peace. For the first time in as long a time as anyone could remember, the three fox families broke bread together and discussed peace. And to this day, the three families live together in harmony.

Thanks for reading my first Tiny Tale!

Photo credit: Anastasiya Dobrovolskaya
Artist website: https://en.dobrovolskaia.com/