The Unicorn Hunt is Back!

The Unicorn Hunt is back! I'm super excited, are you? If you don't know what The Unicorn Hunt is, hurry on over to the YouTube channel to watch what I'm calling Season 1 to catch up! It's my web series I started in October 2013. It all started with seeing Unicorn Poop Cookies on Pinterest or somewhere, which gave me the idea for the first episode. I was going to do just that one short sketch, but then I kept getting more and more unicorn clue ideas. I somehow convinced my BFF Kelsey to be in the videos with me, and we set out on The Unicorn Hunt

I was a little more ambitious writing these new episodes, including more people other than Kelsey. I decided to change up the format for this season, making Tish go solo, which means less Tish & Kelsey adventures, and more Tish & someone new adventures. Now, each episode starts with a video diary style introduction to the adventure. And, instead of DIY videos between episodes, I'm doing reviews of unicorn movies, books, etc.

I'm excited to be back into the unicorn mindset, and the consistent video-making mindset. I plan to keep up the same schedule as last season, a new video every other Wednesday, while also producing content for Tish.TV, my Doctor Who podcast & movies podcast, and this blog. Phew! I love to keep busy! 

Enjoy the first episode of Season 2 (aka Ep. 6), subscribe to the channel to keep up with my unicorn adventures, follow The Unicorn Hunt Tumblr for daily unicorn posts and find #TheUnicornHunt on social media for updates!