The Cybermen have arrived! In a parallel universe, so, like, who cares? We have a lot of fun this episode answering this episode's question what we would want to see different in a parallel world and talking about Jackie's cleavage, Ricky's scrunched up face, how Apple would have designed sleeker cyber ear pods, Mickey's journey, and practicing our Cybermen voices. The corresponding episode of Doctor Who Confidential was about the history of the Cybermen. Their first iteration had terrifying ski masks and the weirdest speech pattern, which we try to replicate ourselves. Have a look below at their designs over the years.
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Our question we want you to answer for episode 12 of the podcast is inspired by the episode "Love & Monsters" which features a monster created by a 9-year-old boy who won a contest. We want you to create your own baddie for Doctor Who! Don't just describe it, send us a picture!
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