The Doctor's Companions Ep. 3: Alien Farts are Hilarious

This week, Linda, Juliana, and I are talking about the first two-part storyline of Doctor Who; "Aliens in London" and "World War Three". Juliana and Linda both think that the fart jokes are stupid and the Slitheen are hideous. I am super weird and think that farts as an alien tell is hilarious and that the Slitheen's faces are actually quite cute! Look at those big round eyes! If they had chubby little baby bodies, they would be adorable baby aliens! We're also excited to see Harriet Jones, MP for Flydell North, for the first time. This is a fun episode because we get to discuss two episodes as one big story.

This is the final podcast that we recorded in that first day (with bad audio, sorry). It feels like soooo long ago (it was) that we recorded, so I am super excited to get together to record again and make some improvements and additions to the format. Linda is up to season 4 now in her watching, so she won't feel as left out when we refer to future stuff, and we've got some good episodes coming up to talk about!

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