It seems like it's already been so long since the first episode was posted. (Real time: Two weeks ago.)
This episode, we start to get into our usual format of two episodes per podcast. The Doctor and Rose travel to the future in "The End of the World" and to the past in "The Unquiet Dead". I had a lot of issues with how the space station would work, how the aliens were in fact very human-like, and the whole deal with Cassandra. And then Linda says the zombie episode was her favorite so far and we're all a little disappointed in The Doctor for almost getting killed and Dickens having to save the day.
The audio is still echo-y in this episode, as we recorded the first three episodes in one day and I didn't realize I had some voice-enhancing effect put on. So, bear with us on that for just one more episode and then we'll sound much better!
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