Movies Watched
Videos Made
Fun Had
Upside Down - The concept of two planets being so close together and their gravity applying only to their respective matter intrigued the sci-fi nerd in me. The love story was kind of sweet, but the flaws in the physics distracted me.
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters - This is an example of my excellent movie instincts. I knew I wanted to see this movie as soon as I saw the trailer. Despite poor reviews and general lack of enthusiasm from the public, it stayed on my list. I loved it. It is so bad ass. I have a default interest in anything fairy tale or witches, so it already had those going for it, but that's not why it's great. It had cheeky humor when it needed to, it had a good back story revealed throughout, and it is just super bad. Ass.
Camp Takota - If you have not heard of this movie, then you're not an avid YouTube watcher. YouTube stars Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart, and Hannah Hart got together to star in this movie that Mamrie wrote. It was not the laugh riot I expected of these hilarious girls, but I don't mean that as a bad thing. It was most definitely funny but not in an obnoxious way, like trying to shove in as many jokes as possible. It was smart kind of funny and was a really nice story. You can buy it on iTunes now!
Identity Thief - This is an example of going against my movie instincts. I was not too interested in seeing this movie based on the trailer. However, my friend insisted it was hilarious and the short scene she showed me was pretty funny, so I took a chance on it. It had it's funny moments and jokes. I love Melissa McCarthy, of course, but overall it didn't do it for me. And I hated the ending.
The Cell - Based on my love of The Fall and Mirror Mirror, I was interested to see this earlier film directed by Tarsem Singh as well. It had the cinematic beauty of The Fall, but much darker. I loved it. It's definitely disturbing, but just so incredible to watch.
The Fall - After watching The Cell, I had the urge to watch one of my favorite films, The Fall, again. I realized right away that this was my first time watching it since getting my HDTV because- Wow. It is so beautiful. And the story is so beautiful and heartbreaking. It's amazing to watch Lee Pace (yummy!) interact with the young Spanish-speaking actress, it's so realistic (because she really didn't understand English very well, a lot was improvised). This is a movie that I will always recommend to everyone.
Midnight in Paris - Nothing like a movie set in Paris to give your mind an escape for a couple hours. And Paris in the 20's? I die. It's all so lovely and such an adventure.
Beautiful Creatures - I was in the mood for a fantasy, so I chose this one. It was a little too familiar. High school kids, special powers, "But, I love him!". It was pretty cool, but the kind of movie you can tell is based on a book because things move along a little too quickly and feel unexplained.
TV Watched
Whose Line Is It Anyway? - Just background viewing. I've seen it all before, so I don't laugh out loud too much, but it's something I can ignore or just listen to without missing out.
Miranda - I've mentioned before my distaste for laugh-track sit-coms, but this is a big exception. Miranda Hart is hilarious. All the characters are hilarious, but not unrealistic caricatures. I love that she "breaks the fourth wall" by giving the camera looks or repeating jokes, she introduces each episode like she's catching up with the audience, and at the end of each episode everyone waves goodbye. It's not the usual "dry" humor you expect from British shows, it's a lot of physical comedy, actually.
Dead Like Me and Wonderfalls - Oh, Bryan Fuller... Why do they pick on you so? Does every Bryan Fuller show have to be cancelled so soon? The last one he tried to make didn't even make it past the pilot! (Mockingbird Lane) I love re-watching Bryan Fuller shows. They're funny and cute and just a joy to watch. But also, a little dark.
Web Series Watched
Friendship is Witchcraft - This is a genius parody show. The creators dubbed over episodes of the My Little Pony show, Friendship is Magic, to make it hilarious and weird. Like, really weird. It got taken off YouTube for copyright infringement, of course, but someone else uploaded it, thank goodness.
The Better Half, The Neighbors, and Kiss Her I’m Famous - I found some article on Buzzfeed about lesbian web series you should watching, so I checked them all out and these are three that I liked. They all have an effortless quality about them. The acting is just so natural. I particularly love The Better Half. The characters are adorable together.
Books Read
The Host - Okay, I've barely read any of this book, to be honest. I just haven't been in a reading mood, okay? I read this years ago when it was new, and after the movie came out I had to decide if I wanted to re-read the book before seeing the movie or vice versa. I decided to re-read it first, so I don't have any movie images or interpretations invading my reading. I remember when I was reading it, wondering how they could turn it into a movie (I often do that with novels) because the majority of conversations take place between two beings inhabiting one body. I guess I'll find out when I finally finish the book and watch the movie.
Music Heard
Once Upon a Dream by Lana Del Rey - It's sooooooo dreamy and beautiful. I just close my eyes and sway slowly while listening to it.
Take Me to Church by Hozier - At first listen it seemed like a love song, but after listening to it more, I decided it seems more like singing to one's muse, than a person. I love (attempting to) belt out the chorus, so I've added it to my list of songs to learn on the piano.
Say You’ll Be There by MØ - Why are there not more Spice Girls covers in the world?
Camp It Up by Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart, Hannah Hart, Flula Borg - A fun danceable song from Camp Takota
Girl Talk by Kate Nash - I don't love the whole album, but there are a few fun songs like Fri-End? and OMYGOD!
Cakes Made
Videos Made
Fun Had
Over a year ago, I donated to a Kickstarter for a web series that I loved created by a girl I loved (Marissa A. Ross) called Tangents & the Times. The Kickstarter's success meant that we got more episodes of this great series. Well, they finally got around to mailing out the Kickstarter rewards, and I received my copy of the series on DVD, along with a personal note from Marissa. Aside from the excitement of having the series on DVD to watch (which I did that night, of course), the note from Marissa was really touching because she actually remembers who I am (and likes my cakes!). After a few weeks of shitty things happening, that note was just what I needed to cheer me up and inspire me. I think Marissa is a great writer and just an awesome person. She's the kind of person that serves as great inspiration for me, but not because I want to be just like her. Yes, I do want to pursue writing like she has, but it's seeing her do things like this web series and hearing about her writing a TV pilot that give me that "If she can do it, I can do it" lift I need. I'll stop gushing, now. You start watching.