Tish.TV DIY // Duct Tape Dress Form

As I recently mentioned, my friend Kim and I made a video of how to make a dress form out of duct tape. We had made one two years ago, but after being asked to write the instructions for BUST magazine, I wanted to make one again. I wanted to make it better than last time so I could actually use it and make a better video for it.
So, we finally did it! It took us/me three different days over two weeks, but I finally finished it off. We had some disasters (insulation foam is the devil), but I've decided my slogan will have to be "Welcome to Tish.TV DIY where I make mistakes, so you don't have to!"
See for yourself how you can make a dress form your exact size with duct tape, newspaper and a very helpful friend!

And just yesterday I got a message from Copper Etiquitte, saying that they featured both Duct Tape Dress Form videos on their blog. That's pretty cool. Take a look.

Oh, for reference, here is our first video. Hopefully you find my new video much more helpful.