Lost Tales of the Brothers Grimm

Once upon a New Year's Eve, my friend Kelsey and I were watching telly, waiting for midnight when we stumbled upon a most unusual show. It was one of those strange low-budget shows that you're not sure if it's supposed to be funny, or it's just so bad it's hilarious. It was mainly fairy tales being reenacted by puppets. Between the stories, was two children and their Oma, telling them these stories, and life lessons, often involving God. It felt like such a contradicting show. The puppet stories were so hilarious, and often the jokes were quite "adult", if only subtly, and then it turned into this after school special/childrens Christian program.

We've been somewhat obsessed (okay, probably I am more than Kelsey) with the show ever since the show marathon that night. We haven't seen it on TV since. However, I did find the official website, and from there found some clips and previews of their episodes and even feature films. They even have some hilarious clips on their YouTube channel, which is where I get my fix for the show every so often.

I once emailed the production company about how I could possibly get the show on DVD, but I got no response. I'm seriously considering phoning or mailing the company begging for some way to get my hands on all of the episodes. What can I say, I'm obsessed! If it was as easy to download as any other show, I wouldn't be so crazy about it. I would just be happy to have the show. But, because it's so elusive, I'm desperate for it!

If anyone has seen Lost Tales of the Brothers Grimm, or knows anything about it, tell me! As far as I know it only aired December 31st, 2006 on OMNI, a Canadian station. It's just such a gem, they need to air this show more often and make more!