Let me introduce you to one of my favorite YouTubers. Elle. She is a dancer, choreographer, singer, producer, green screen genius, and all-around insanely creative video master (or should that be mistress?)
I don't know if as a reader you care about how I came across the things that I share with you, but for me, how I discovered a movie, person, video, song, artist, blog, etc. is important because that memory/emotion/experience is always attached to that thing.
So, how did I discover the wonderful Elle?As with all good stories, it begins with TaB Energy. (Have I mentioned my obsession lately? I feel like I need an explanation page on my blog to link to every time I mention it so people can truly understand the obsession). I was searching YouTube for TaB Energy videos, like commercial parodies like I did, etc. And I found a TaB commercial by this group of girls called Whatever Hollywood. I liked their TaB video, so I checked out their other videos (which I highly recommend you do as well) and loved them. Later on, one of the girls from Whatever Hollywood linked to her personal new YouTube channel, What's Up Elle. And, well, that's the story.
This girl is the definition of charisma and charm. She's perky and fun without being fake and annoying. She's an awesome dancer. I don't even watch dance videos, but I watch hers. And she almost always does a behind-the-scenes/making-of video for each of her videos, which is my favorite. I'm a total behind-the-scenes girl.
Elle is insanely talented with her green screen editing, it blows my mind. All of her video ideas are so original and very entertaining. Every new video has me laughing and awing over her ability to play three people at once, with her timing and then editing.
Okay, so I'll stop gushing over this girl, and just leave it with: She's amazingly talented. Her videos are awesome, hilarious, and very good quality. Just check them out, okay?
These are some of my favorites, which I think will give you an idea of what Elle is like. Be sure to go to her YouTube page and check out the rest of her videos.
This girl is the definition of charisma and charm. She's perky and fun without being fake and annoying. She's an awesome dancer. I don't even watch dance videos, but I watch hers. And she almost always does a behind-the-scenes/making-of video for each of her videos, which is my favorite. I'm a total behind-the-scenes girl.
Elle is insanely talented with her green screen editing, it blows my mind. All of her video ideas are so original and very entertaining. Every new video has me laughing and awing over her ability to play three people at once, with her timing and then editing.
Okay, so I'll stop gushing over this girl, and just leave it with: She's amazingly talented. Her videos are awesome, hilarious, and very good quality. Just check them out, okay?
These are some of my favorites, which I think will give you an idea of what Elle is like. Be sure to go to her YouTube page and check out the rest of her videos.