Okay, everybody. Prepare yourselves. I have twelve deliciously delectable Christmas-themed treats comin' at ya over the next twelve days.
Some will be old favorites that have been Christmasified, and some will be more traditional Christmastime treats. Most will be baking, but I'll throw in some other types of treats for you as well.
I hope you'll all enjoy my treats and try them out for yourselves! Most will be very easy, using ingredients you already have, and they will all be vegan, of course.
Some will be old favorites that have been Christmasified, and some will be more traditional Christmastime treats. Most will be baking, but I'll throw in some other types of treats for you as well.
I hope you'll all enjoy my treats and try them out for yourselves! Most will be very easy, using ingredients you already have, and they will all be vegan, of course.
The first delicious day is tomorrow! So, get ready to start making some Christmas treats!