The first delicious day is actually a recap of the Christmas cookie decorating class Kim and I did last Friday. It was for the same office that we did the cake decorating class for in February. They wanted a lunchtime activity for people. It wasn't so much of a class this time, since we didn't have to teach them much. It was more like we supplied the cookies and the icing and they just had fun decorating. Because, no matter how old you are, decorating cookies will always be fun!
Silly me, I didn't take any photos of the cookie making process, besides these. A heart I made out of cookie crumbs (the dough was so crumbly!) and a random shot of Kim.
I made Adam and Eve gingerbread people. I know it's not Christmassy and makes no sense. One of the Christmas tree candies was randomly placed in the crotch of a gingerbread man and Kim and I were like "It looks like Adam and Eve". You know, with the leaves covering their bits. So, I decided to make these. I did give her some holly in her hair to make it Christmassy. Call it "The Very First Christmas." Ha ha.
And then I made a snowflake. I remember last year I was obsessed with the idea of making pretty white & blue snowflake cookies but never got around to it.
Kim made a lovely Christmas tree. I got photos of everyone's finished cookies. I think this person just wanted to use as many silver balls as possible...
This guy made what you could call the most elaborate gingerbread men (and women). The one on the right with the cane is apparently a pimp and the two girls (made evident by their large candy breasts) are his hos. (Or, as Kim put it, his "Ho ho hos")
A peek at the table of goodies to decorate with.
I spent about $50 at Bulk Barn on Christmas candy for this. (Don't fret, I got paid for doing the class.)
Here are the recipes we used, all from The Joy of Vegan Baking.
We also made glaze, which is just icing sugar with a tiny bit of water, and food coloring, if you wish.