Delicious Day 4: Chocolate Crumblies

Chocolate Crumblies are my go-to, super-easy, chocolate-craving, no-bake snack. So, I decided to try a Christmastime spin on them.

These are all the ingredients you will need. Plus Christmas candy. See the full recipe and instructions in a blog post I did a long time ago here.

First you make a sort of chocolate sauce on the stove top, then you add the oatmeal and coconut.

I also decided to try something new this time. I squished the cookies into cookie cutters to make them into shapes, rather than just blobs.

And here's my pathetic attempt at decorating my Chocolate Crumblie man. It just had to use some glaze to stick on the candies. The cookies dry out really quickly, so you probably won't be able to just stick any candy to them. It would probably be easier if you had more than one person, so you could decorate quickly as someone else keeps scooping out cookies.

I decided not to use the star or snowflake cookie cutters because these cookies are very dry and crumbly when they're set, so I figured those shapes would just break off.