My Hair: A Year in Review

It's been about a year since I got a real haircut. So, I thought I'd straighten my hair (which I rarely do) and take some pictures to see how long my hair has grown in a year.

I think my hair grows really slowly. It'll be another year before it's as long as I want it.

I've been growing my hair out for almost three years now. I can't believe it's been that long. I usually get bored with my hair and start chopping it off before it has a chance to grow, which is why I've had short hair most of my life.

Let's take a look at how my hair has grown...

April '07
August '07October 31st '07 (My 18th birthday)November '07January '08February '08May '08September '08
October 31st '08 (My 19th birthday)December '08March '09September '08
October 31st '09 (My 20th birthday) (The pink streaks are clip-ins.)
February '10

What I want my hair to look like eventually...
Ah, hair envy...