35 Questions Answered

1. where is your cell phone?
on the sofa
2. your hair?

Is my natural color and growing out

3. your mother:
Cares too much what other people think of her

4. your father:
Drinks too much

5. your favorite food?
fries & chick'n nuggets
6. your dream last night?
Something creepy and scary starring the characters of Eastwick

7. your favorite drink?

and for alcohol...
8. your dream/goal?
I have so many… most would be embarrassing to tell…

9. the room you are in?
Is a mess...
10. what is your hobby?
Making art
making videos

11. what is your fear?
That no one loves me. That no one will notice me, care about me, remember me. That’s why I get so paranoid when people don’t text me back. I constantly need reassurance that the people I care about care about me.

12. where were you last night?


13. something you are not anymore?
Depressed. Shy.

14. muffins:

Are cupcakes' ugly cousins.

15. wish list items:

So many…

A boy to love

For Addie & Mike to move back close to me

16. where did you grow up?
South Eastern Ontario, along Lake Huron. Molesworth until I was five then Ripley until I was 11.
17. last thing you did:
pimped out my buzznet page

18. what you are wearing:
my heart on my sleeve

19. your tv:

Has movie quotes on it
“You will drink the black sperm of my vengence!”
“There will always be women in rubber flirting with me!”
“Your moon is in Uranus.”
“I’ll tell you in another life when we are both cats.”
20. your pets:

Are dead.

21. your friends:
Are my family. I would fall apart without them.

22. your life:
Is just getting started, I hope.

23. song that describes your mood:

All I Want For Christmas Is You

24. missing someone?

25. vehicle:

I’d like one, please. Preferably one of these.

26. something you're not wearing:
a bra

27. your favorite store:

28. your favorite color:

Lately I’ve been liking this combination.

29. the last time you laughed:
Watching Never Mind the Buzzcocks

30. the last time you cried:
Watching My Sister's Keeper

31. your best friend:

32. one place you go over and over:
Kim’s house

33. guilty pleasure:

Junk food.

34. favorite place to eat:
A&W for fries with seasoning salt, apple pie and root beer.
35. where do you want to be in 6 years?
With my friends. Happy. Not living in the city.