10 Things I Love Sunday

1. Florence and the Machine
Especially Drumming Song. It's intoxicating.

2. Charmed

One of my favorite shows that I can watch over and over again. Like I have been the past couple weeks. I like seasons 4-8 more than 1-3 because I don't like Prue (Shannen Doherty.)

3. My Dream House
Is this not the cutest house you have ever seen?! It's like Polly Pocket meets Dr. Suess meets every little girl's dream!

4. Feathers
The most beautiful things come straight from nature.

5. British Telly

Secret Diary of a Call Girl and Skins both started new seasons recently. Two of my favorite shows. Thank god for downloading or I'd never be able to see all this amazing British telly that I love.

6. Cute Cupcake Sayings7. Fake Mugshots
Stevie Ryan
Lady Gaga
Miss James from one of my favorite blogs, Bleubird Vintage
I did my own mugshots as part of a Runaway Girls video idea.

I love Ke$ha's music. (Hate that she uses a $ in her name. So lame.) Look what she and her friends did.

But then today I found out it was all fake.

9. Ian Somerhalder
My latest celebrity crush. Mmm... mmm... good.

10. Cute Valentines
I've never had a boy for Valentine's Day but I've always loved it. I go all out. Pass out Valentines, dress up cute & red, make cupcakes. This year I'm hanging out with some friends, going to eat Chinese food (because they want to celebrate the Chinese New Year as well), watching cheesey romantic movies and eating heart shaped cupcakes.
(this one is quite appropriate for me)

Buzz Video Blog Net Monday

Although I had a discussion with Jillian, the girl in charge of Buzz Video Blog Net, about how it's not really working when not everyone is participating, I'm continuing to make videos for BVBN. I hope she can get all the days filled with new girls (some quit) so it can continue. I'd like to continue with BVBN as well as my own collaborative video blog, Runaway Girls.

I'm starting to film bits for my "Get to Know Me" video for Runaway Girls (I want all the girls to make one.) Today I filmed myself dancing to 'Kiss with a Fist' by Florence and the Machine for the "I love dancing" part. I love that song, as well as other Florence and the Machine songs.

La Photo Cabine of the day...

10 Things I Love Sunday

Most of my favorite blogs do a "10 Things I Love" or "Pretty Things" on Sundays, so I thought I'd join in.

1. Turquoise
My iPhone case and notebook on my computer desk (that I painted turquoise, among other furniture).

2. Talking Animals
These are SO funny! Watch of them all on YouTube.

3. Orange Juice
I used to only like orange juice for breakfast, but I've recently started drinking almost a pitcher a day. It's just so much easier buying frozen juice cans than jugs of juice when I have to carry my groceries home. And my new favorite snack is orange juice and pretzels. The sweet, citrus taste complements the salty pretzels. Mmmm....

4. The South
I've had a thing for movies taking place in the South for a while now. This past week I watched Hounddog and it reignited my love of all things Southern, including the music. Not honky tonk country music, but the soul, blues, deep South music. I love how the South looks. All fields and forests and hot. People living a simpler life in small towns. That's the life I want. Simple. I used to hate the accent, but I've grown to love it. I especially love the Cajun accent.

5. Billy Zane
He was a total creep asshole in Titanic, but he was very cute, funny and oh-so charming on Charmed. And, boy, is he handsome.

6. The Vampire Diaries
It took a while for me to get into this show (it was too "high school" in the beginning) but now I love it. And not just because Ian Somerhalder is the hotness of hot. It's got tons of mystery, I'm always looking forward to what will be revealed next week.

7. My Humidifier
It's totally adorable (that's a bad picture- it's actually a nice bright yellow) and it works really well. I don't wake up with a dry nose and throat and I haven't had any nosebleeds since I bought it. I also love the metallic scent it gives the air. And I'm fascinated by how it works. It's like steam, but it's cold.

8. Birdcage Umbrella
I know I already blogged about this, but it bares repeating. I'm in love with this umbrella.

9. Diana Mini
I love the raw look of instant camera photos and old cameras like this. I want a Diana Mini soooo bad! Just look at the beautiful photos it takes!

10. Pretty Kleenex Boxes
Here are three I've bought recently that I am keeping to refill.
Have a lovely Sunday!

Friday Night Fun

Kim came over Friday night and we went to Bulk Barn and then grocery shopping. We're really exciting people, I know. Don't you wish you were friends with us?

Bulk Barn
I loved all the names for the not-name brand candy like Sour Munchkins and Finnish Berries.Pretty colors of sprinkles.

Onto the grocery store...
And then Kim took control of my phone's camera...(Thanks for telling me my dress was tucked up in my sweater, Kim. And continuing to take pictures of my back.)

The reaching shot.

The cleavage shot.

It's like a clothing store in the middle of a grocery store.

The Kosher section. Blue for Jew?

Kim helped me find a salad dressing I might like since I only like caesar, but it's not vegan. I didn't get this kind, I got some basic herb kind. I hope I like it.

Kim calls this "cheating".

"I wipe my ass!"

Then we went home and watched Bedknobs and Broomsticks (my first time). In the end I realized it was a complete war propaganda film. The moral of the story is "join the army". Ridiculous.

Fashion Inspiration

I still haven't heard back from lookbook.nu about my application. Sad face. Oh, well. I still look at it for fashion inspiration. (I look at other fashion blogs as well, but most of these are from lookbook.nu). I might photograph some more looks tomorrow. I bought some jeans & cute jackets today as well as this beautiful bracelet...
[that faded ink says 'spatula' as in remember to buy one]

Onto the fashion...
[ooooh, i can't wait til my hair is that long]
[i've been wanting a necklace with a feather like that]
[i've been planning to do a photo shoot in an empty bathtub]
[love the nature-y colors and jewelry][love over the knee socks with tights]
[oh, alice, how you continue to inspire us]

Under My Umbrella

I had a horrible Monday because of rain. Actually, not because of the rain but because of my ineffectual umbrella. I've grown to truly hate umbrellas. They don't work in the wind. Yet rain is always accompanied by wind. I end up walking with my umbrella almost horizontal in front of me against the wind, which means I can't really see where I'm going. So I often just don't use my umbrella and instead get soaking wet. For all these reasons, I want a clear umbrella. They're usually more curved than other umbrellas because you can get right up in there without impeding your vision. And I think it would be fun to be able to watch the rain drops fall on and drip down from underneath your umbrella.I am in love with this birdcage umbrella. I love pretty birdcages. I found it on eBay for $90. Too expensive for me :(

Movie Review: Down with Love

Synopsis (IMDb.com): Barbara Novak has just come down from Maine to New York after writing a book called Down With Love. The book instructs women to have sex the way a man does, and to detach oneself from love completely. Catcher Block is a successful journalist tapped to write a cover story on Novak. He blows her off at every opportunity to cuddle with flight attendants. However, when Novak's book is a complete success, Catcher finds himself being blown off by her! So he starts to write an expose and disguises himself as a naive astronaut named Zip Martin. But he can't imagine what happens next!
I want to live in this movie. It’s so pretty! So 60’s! The ladies’ outfits and Barbara’s apartment are why I want to live in the 60’s. I would watch this movie for the visuals alone, but I don’t have to because the story is as cute as the sets. It’s a darling little mistaken identity high jinks story with tons of cheesey (in a good way) 60’s style comedy. There are some very funny split-screen on-the-phone scenes that you just have to see. This movie is a fun, cute, funny, good-cheesey time with a ridiculous twist ending that just tops it all off.

Cheese Rating: 4/5 (but in a good way)
Hilarity Rating: 3/5
Drama Rating: 1/5
Quality Rating: 4/5
For Fans of: 60’s screwball comedies, cheesey happy ending romantic comedies
Final Verdict: So much fun! Good date movie as the story revolves around male & female stereotypes- good conversation starter.

Buzz Video Blog Net Monday

This is what my hair looked like this morning right after I took it out of the little buns it was in while I slept. Über curly! It looks like I cut it, it's so short!

And this is what my hair looked like after I got home from class... It was raining today and I hate using an umbrella because it just gets blown around in the wind.

Ya, I showed up for class looking like a drowned rat. Lovely. Rain totally ruined my day. I needed to go to the grocery store and Michael's but I didn't want to walk around in the rain any more. As much as I love the warmer weather, I would prefer it was a few degrees colder so it would snow instead of rain.

Super Kawaii Candy Sushi!

Yesterday, I finally filmed my How To Make Candy Sushi video and today I finished editing it! I'm so glad I finally did it. I've been saying I would for months.
I made 16 pieces of candy sushi and I ate them ALL already. It's just so damn good! I can't resist! I want to make more, it's so good! But I really shouldn't eat so much candy... I ate 6 Fruit Roll Ups, a bag of Sour Patch Kids and a giant box of Nerds. (Not all of it went into making the candy sushi, but I ate it all.) I love making it, but I won't make it again until I have people to share it with!

Try making some yourself! It's really fun! Especially if you go totally Japanese themed and dress up like I did!

Starting My Lookbook

I spent most of today taking photos of myself. Ya, okay, maybe I'm narcissistic but I wasn't just taking photos of myself. I was taking photos of my outfits. I want to join the fashion website Lookbook.nu which is my main source of fashion inspiration. To join the site you have to be invited or apply. I've wanted to join for a while, but I didn't have any good photos of outfits. So I photographed four looks today to get me started.

This first look is the one I am submitting with my application.

Even if I can't join Lookbook.nu, I'm going to continue to put together looks and do my own little photoshoots. I can at least post them on my Facebook, Buzznet and here!

My Saturday in Front of the Camera

Like my new 'do? Just kidding, it's not a hair do. It's how I make my hair nice and wavy. I let it air dry for a while (blow dry a bit if I'm in a rush) and then twist it into little buns. More small buns for really curly and less big buns for looser waves. I usually do it at night and sleep on it, but if I'm in a hurry during the day I use the hair dryer to speed it up.

So, the reason I'm doing my hair all nice is because today I'm making two DIY videos (or at least one) and taking a bunch of fashion photos. I have a lot of new clothes I haven't photographed yet to show you all. I also want to join Lookbook.nu, which is invitation only, or apply to join. So I need some good fashion photos to apply with, and then upload (if I can join).

I'm also going to play with this large piece of fabric, wrapping it around me in different dress styles and take pictures. Just for fun, and then I'll decide which would actually work as a dress and make a dress.
This fabric has been in my mom's fabric tub for as long as I can remember. I used to do the same thing as a kid, wrapping it around me to make different dresses. So although I wouldn't normally pick out this fabric for a dress, I love it for its sentimental value to me. I doubt I'll ever have a reason to wear a gown like that so I'll probably end up selling the dress on my Etsy (once I get that going).

I haven't done a photoshoot in a long time, so I'm looking forward to gettin' gussied up, putting together outfits, and posing. I also haven't made a video (besides lame blogs for BuzzVideoBlogNet) in a while, so I'm looking forward to finally doing that, and spending probably most of my Sunday editing.

While my hair dries I'm going to be sketching iMac frame and sleep mask designs while watching Charmed (for about the 10th time).


I Made Chocolate Cupcakes!

I hadn't ever made chocolate vegan cupcakes before! Vanilla, Chocolate & Vanilla swirl, and margarita only. But I had a craving for something cake-like and chocolatey so I made cupakes!

I prefer a simple glaze to icing. Icing is usually too intense for me (even though homemade vegan icing is nice and light compared to toxic store-bought icing). Glaze looks delectable when you let it drip over the edges like I did on some, but if you don't want any mess then fill your cupcake cups a little less than you normally would so when they bake they come up just below the liner top. Then your glaze has a retaining wall holding it in.

You can keep glazed cupcakes in an airtight container and the glaze will stay soft. You can also leave them out and the glaze will harden. Either way tastes fine and the cupcakes won't dry out because they are protected by the liner and the glaze.

I won't share the cupcake recipe because it's from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, but I can share the chocolate glaze recipe that I found on TLC Cooking.

Chocolate Glaze
2/3 cup powdered sugar
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tablespoon water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Mix it all in a bowl, et voila! Easy as that. Sifting the icing sugar and cocoa powder will help make it lump free, but it's not necessary.

A basic glaze is just icing sugar and water. You can start with the same ratio as the chocolate recipe, but you just have to add more icing sugar or water to get it the consistency you want.

Glaze is delicious and I find it magical that it is just icing sugar and water. And icing sugar is just finely ground granulated sugar, but it tastes so different! Oh, the world is a magical and delicious place!


Bipolar Fashion

I've always loved two completely different styles at one time. I think it's because I have two very different girls inside me: the superficial Tish (who likes cute, girly, put-together outfits) and the emotional Tish (who likes a lower maintenance, practical look) and I express myself through my clothes.
Right now I'm into both a tough, badass look (dark colors, neutrals, boots, leather (faux, of course), zippers, chains, metal, layers, jeans, rips) and a girly, hippie look (dresses, ruffles, lace, light colors, tights, heels, cute flats, bows, skirts, pretty jewelry). Here are some looks of both styles that I'm into right now.

Anger, Anger, Curse Words, Anger, Pout

Allow me to vent...

I am a big ball of fury right now. I got to my class this morning at 8am (start of class) according to my phone clock, but I guess I was a few minutes late according to the teacher because class had already started and the teacher was doing the demo (demonstration of a recipe at his workstation at the front of the class, everyone stands close to watch). This new teacher keeps the door locked, so I had to knock on the door and got a girl's attention and pointed like "hey, open the door for me?" I saw her tell the teacher someone was at the door and she made like she was going to come to the door but I guess he said not to, so she gave me a look like "sorry".

So I thought, fine, I get that. Teachers don't like students being late and like to make them wait outside rather than disturb the class. However, it didn't really seem fair to me, or to the members of my group, that I should not be allowed to watch the demo, so I wouldn't know what we were doing that day. Which would be really annoying to my group members who would have to explain/help me all class.

The longer I stood there, the angrier I got. Until finally I looked at my phone and it was 8:15 and he was still doing the demo (that's a long demo) so I thought; if he doesn't want me to learn and to be in his fucking class, then I won't be in his fucking class. So I left.

I realize that it was totally immature and irresponsible to do that, but I was fucking pissed. Anyone who has been pissed off can understand that when you're angry, you're not exactly rational. It was especially stupid of me because I was already stupid yesterday and skipped that class. So even though I don't like this class, I actually wanted to go today because I felt guilty about skipping yesterday. I didn't (still don't) want to be late or miss any more classes because I can only miss so many, and I need to make myself do things I need to do, even if I don't like it. Cuz that's being mature and responsible.

So I'm pissed at the stupid French teacher and at myself. But mostly him.

Whenever I'm angry about something like that it makes me want to do things like "ya, well i'll show you!" So today I'm going to think "I'll show you stupid French bastard! I don't need your fucking baking class! I'm not going to be a stupid baker! I'm going to be an artist! So I will spend the day painting, sewing, designing, writing, making a video, planning an artists group, writing a script, taking photos, and creating things. And when all that makes me rich, famous and successful you can SUCK MY BIG COCK, YOU FRENCH PASTRY FUCK!"

Ahh... I feel better now. I'm off to do some creative work.


Evidence I Am a Vampire

Click play. Then read my list.

Evidence I Am a Vampire

My skin is "pale white and ice cold."

I'm nocturnal and prefer to go out and play at night (especially in cemeteries.)

I burn in sunlight (without SPF 50) and I always have to wear sunglasses because my eyes are very sensitive.

I used to have fangs before I got braces to fix them.

I'm pretty vicious by nature.

Evidence I Am Not a Vampire

As far as I know, I've never died.

I don't thirst for human or animal blood. (I'm vegan.)

I'm not inhumanly beautiful, graceful, strong or fast. (I wish!)

Run Devil Devil Run Run

I did this painting about a month ago when I was making paintings for people's Christmas presents. I started out with a totally different color scheme, but then as I was painting the black around the heart I decided I liked the simple red, white and black look of it. And I was listening to the song "Run Devil Run" by Kesha while painting it and feeling a little anger, so it ended up reflecting my mood more.

Run Devil Run by Kesha

I always knew you were a bad boy
I used to think that it was cool
You took me down just like a Rob Roy
But now Im coming next to you

Run,Devil,Run Run Devil,Run Run
Run Devil Devil Run Run

I never knew about your red horns
I never saw your evil start
You used to be what I would live for
But then you went and slapped my heart

The promises that you promised
are about as real as an air guitar
So watch your back cuz imma steal your car

You better run
Cause there's gonna be some hell today
You better run
And that's the only thing I'm gonna say,hey
I wish I know the right from the start
that I was dancing with the dark
You better run
Devil,Run,Run,Devil,Run Run
Run Devil Devil Run Run

Now that your living with a vampires
You better get yourself a gun
I'll make ya sing just like a boy's chior
I'll string you up to have some fun

Run,Devil,Run Run,Devil,Run Run
Run Devil Devil Run Run
You better run
Cause there's gonna be some hell today
You better run
And that's the only thing I'm gonna say,hey
I wish I know the right from the start
that I was dancing with the dark
You better run
Devil,Run,Run,Devil,Run Run
Run Devil Devil Run Run

Run Devil,Run Run,Devil,Run Run
Run Devil,Devil,Run Run

Im throwing the trash,clearing the junk
Go find the can is gonna get sunk
You better sail off to the seven seas
There's not enough room for you and for me
(once again if you would please,
"There's not enough room for you and for me")
You better run
Cause there's gonna be some hell today
You better run
And that's the only thing I'm gonna say,hey
I wish I know the right from the start
that I was dancing with the dark
You better run
Devil,Run,Run,Devil,Run Run
Run Devil Devil Run Run

Run Devil,Run Run,Devil Run Run
Run Devil Devil Run Run'

This Week's BuzzVideoBlogNet

This week it was my turn to come up with the question and challenge of the week and post it in a video on Sunday

Here's my video for Monday.

I was a little jealous/pissed when I saw that the other video posted for Buzz Video Blog Net (there are six of us, but only two of us posted last week) was featured. I know my video wasn't up to my usual standards, but I talked a lot more than the other girl. Her video was bad quality and lame. I have no idea why they would feature it. I've had two of my Tuesdays with Tish videos featured on Buzznet before. I guess I'm just going to have to step it up for my next videos. I think I'll add intros for each part like I did for Tuesdays with Tish. So stay tuned! I really hope ALL the girls post their videos this week!

Let's Play 20 Questions

1. Show us the inside of something cute.
it's a secret compartment...
you have to twist it the right way to open it...
the toy faerie that came with it, jewels from a friendship candle (i think) and broken pieces of a clay heart a friend made me.

2. What's the last home cooking you had?
just made myself some breaded chick'n strips and extra crispy crinkle fries. mmm...

3. What do you miss?

4. What makes you laugh often?
the besties

5. What's your favorite word?
Foreboding. I just like how it sounds.

6. What are you trying to quit?
Eating crap food.

7. What's your favorite commercial right now?
Ikea commercials “You’re pathetic, Trevor. And you have tiny feet.”

8. Whose style do you dig?

9. Link to a great blog you've discovered lately...

10. What's the last craft you made?

11. A photo of the last happy mail you got

12. Something you've got lately?
(the dress and cardy. among many other clothes i'll show you later...)

13. What are you looking forward to?
moving to Victoria to live with my BFF Jason

14. Post a recent snapshot of yourself.

15. Recent Favorite Movie?

16. Something you're working on right now?
No current crafts... I'm working on watching all my unwatched movies and reading all my new books

17. If a movie were made about you, who would play you?
I have no idea... Who do you think?

18. What gives you goosebumps?
Really good music

19. Share a new obsession.

20. What's the meaning of your life?
I don’t think I have one yet… I’m just trying to keep going...